Every driver of a motor vehicle on a street shall drive the same at a careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface and width of the street and of any other conditions then existing, and no person shall drive a vehicle on any street at a speed greater than will permit said driver to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead, such driver having the right to assume, however, that all persons using said street will observe the law.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.285)
The following speed limits are established in Section 321.285 of the Code of Iowa and any speed in excess thereof is unlawful unless specifically designated otherwise in this chapter as a special speed zone.
1. Business District — Twenty (20) miles per hour.
2. Residence or School District — Twenty-five (25) miles per hour.
3. Suburban District — Forty-five (45) miles per hour.
In accordance with requirements of the Iowa State Department of Transportation, or whenever the Council shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any speed limit listed in Section 63.02 is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection or other place or upon any part of the City street system, the Council shall determine and adopt by ordinance such higher or lower speed limit as it deems reasonable and safe at such location. The following special speed zones have been established:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.290)
1. Special 10 Mph Speed Zones. A speed in excess of ten (10) miles per hour shall be unlawful on any public alley within the City.
2. Special 20 Mph Speed Zones. A speed in excess of twenty (20) miles per hour shall be unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
On First Street from Fourth Avenue West to B Avenue East;
On Iowa Highway 1 from a point 50'+ north of Second Street North to a point 50'+ south of Second Street South.
3. Special 25 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of twenty-five miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
On First Street from Lisbon Road to U.S. Highway 30;
On Lisbon Road from First Street East to the east corporate limit.
4. Special 30 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of thirty miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
On Palisades Road from Seventh Avenue West to the west corporate limit;
On Ink Road from Highway No. 1 to west City limits;
On Iowa Highway 1 from a point 50'+ south of South Second Street to U.S. Highway 30.
5. Special 35 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of thirty-five miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
On First Street West from the west edge of the viaduct to the west corporate limit;
On Iowa Highway 1 from a point 350'+ north of the Union Pacific Railroad to a point 50'+ north of Second Street;
On Springville Road from Scoby Road to the Union Pacific Railroad.
D. On Business 30 from a point 550 + west of the outer paved radius of the 10th Ave SW roundabout to the west corporate limit.
6. Special 45 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of forty-five miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
On Iowa Highway 1 from Station 13+ to 350'+ north of the Union Pacific Railroad;
On Iowa Highway 1 from U.S. Highway 30 to Station 1022+;
On Springville Road from the north corporate limit to Scoby Road.
D. On Business 30 from a point 300 + east of the centerline of Hillview Dr. to the east corporate limit.
7. Special 50 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of fifty miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
8. Special 55 MPH Speed Zones. A speed in excess of fifty-five miles per hour is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
On Iowa Highway 1 from the north corporate limit to Station 13+;
On Iowa Highway 1 from Station 1022+ to the south corporate limit.
9. Special Speed Zones on U.S. Highway 30. A speed in excess of the following designated speeds is unlawful on any of the following designated streets or parts thereof.
A. A 45 MPH Speed Zone from Station 671+35 to Station 676+20 (approximately 485 feet).
B. A 35 MPH Speed Zone from station 676+20 to Station 702+70 (approximately 2,650 feet).
C. A 45 MPH Speed Zone from Station 702+70 to Station 710+70 (approximately 800 feet).
D. A 50 MPH Speed Zone from Station 710+70 to Station 715+70 (approximately 800 feet).
The centerline station of U.S. Highway 30 at the centerline of Iowa Highway 1 is assumed to be 696+79.43.