There shall be appointed by the City Council a City Housing Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, consisting of seven (7) members, who shall be qualified by knowledge or experience to make recommendations to the City Council in matters pertaining to housing development, housing needs, codes/ordinances, and/or other development needs.
It is recognized that a true representation on the membership body may require members residing outside the current city limits. At no time shall the number of non-residents on the commission account for more than one (1) appointee. The Commission shall attempt to include representatives from the following areas: a local bank representative, a citizen at-large representative, City Council representative, Mt. Vernon School representative, CDG Board representative, Planning and Zoning representative, representative from a real estate firm, a representative having controlling interest in development property within two miles of the city limits, and a representative from a development firm. It is recognized that deviations from the above list may be necessary to maintain a qualified Commission. At no time shall the membership consist of more than two representatives of the above listed fields of expertise.
The Commission shall have and exercise the following powers and duties:
1. Selection of Officers. The Commission shall choose annually at its first regular meeting one of its members to act as Chairperson and another as Vice Chairperson, who shall perform all of the duties of the Chairperson during the Chairperson's absence or disability.
2. Adopt Rules and Regulations. The Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations governing its organization and procedure as it may deem necessary.
3. Recommendation for Incentives. The Commission shall review various forms of housing incentives and make recommendations on adoption and procedural use in the City. Additionally, the Commission shall recommend programs to disburse LMI (Low to Moderate Income) set aside as a result of any housing incentive program.
4. Identify Housing Needs. The Commission shall make recommendations of housing needs to the Council.
5. Code Review. The Commission shall review various housing codes, including rental, building, topsoil, and development, for adoption by the City Council.
6. Special Projects. The Council, from time to time, may task the Housing Commission with projects aimed at identifying roadblocks to housing development.
7. Fiscal Responsibilities. The Commission shall have full, complete and exclusive authority to expend for and on behalf of the City all sums of money appropriated to it, and to use and expend all gifts, donations or payments whatsoever which are received by the City for housing purposes.
8. Limitation on Entering Contracts. The Commission shall have no power to contract debts beyond the amount of its original or amended appropriation as approved by the Council for the present year.
9. Annual Report. The Commission shall make a report to the Mayor and Council of its proceedings, with a full statement of receipts, disbursements and the progress of its work during the preceding fiscal year.