The following areas are exempt from the requirements of Section 54.03:
1. Property parcel that is 10 acres or larger;
2. Agricultural land;
3. Garden plants, orchards, vineyards, farm crops;
4. Arboretums, recognized areas for the growth of native grass, flower prairie, prairie grass or similar growth provided that the owner has been granted an exemption by resolution of the Council, maintains the area free of weeds and there is no safety, health or fire hazard created by permitting said growth;
5. Hillsides exceeding a 2 to 1 slope unless the growth creates a public health or safety hazard.
The Zoning Administrator shall notify the property owner that a condition that violates the terms of this chapter exists and shall notify the property owner of the actions that must be performed to correct the condition and the notice shall state that the condition shall be corrected within five (5) days from the date that the notice is issued.
If the property owner objects to the notice of action required under this chapter, the objection shall be filed by the property owner with the City Administrator in writing within five (5) days of the date of the notice. The objection shall be heard by the Zoning Administrator without unnecessary delay and the Zoning Administrator shall make a decision in writing. Failure to appeal within the time specified constitutes a waiver of all rights to a hearing.
If the property owner fails to maintain the property as required under this chapter after notice is given as provided in this chapter, the Zoning Administrator shall order the work to be done by City employees or by a contractor. The total cost of the expense of the work done, including any administrative fees, shall be paid by the property owner. Failure to pay shall result in the cost being assessed against the property for collection in the same manner as a property tax.