The Board of Library Trustees shall have and exercise the following powers and duties, subject to review by the Council:
1. The Board may adopt, amend or repeal bylaws governing the activities of the Board and relating to its duties.
2. The Board shall provide recommendations and advice for the development and maintenance of the public library facilities, furnishings and fixtures.
3. The Board shall provide recommendations and advice to Cornell College regarding control and supervision of the public library staff.
4. The Board shall have the authority to adopt, amend or repeal policies, rules and regulations, consistent with law, for the use of the public library facilities and resources, including establishing and enforcing penalties for violations of the rules and regulations regarding the public's use of the library.
5. The Board shall provide recommendations and advice to the Director of Library Services regarding development and management of the public library collection.
6. The Board shall have authority to authorize the use of the library by nonresidents of the City and to fix charges therefor.
7. The Board shall have authority to accept gifts of real property, personal property or mixed property, and devises and bequests, including trust funds, on behalf of the library. In the event of such a bequest, a special restricted account will be established in the Cornell College Business Office where the expenditures of the funds shall be exclusively for the improvement of the library and to carry out the conditions on gifts and bequests accepted.
8. The Director of Library Services, in consultation with the Board, shall prepare an annual budget request for the public library's operation, based upon the municipal fiscal year, and submit the same to the City Administrator's budget request prior to being submitted to the Council.
9. Immediately following the close of each municipal fiscal year, the Board shall make an annual written report to the Council which shall contain a statement of the Board's activities during the preceding year, statements regarding the condition of the library, the number of books and other materials added thereto, the number circulated, the amount of fines collected, and recommendations for proposed activities for the coming year.
The Board may recommend contracting with any other boards of trustees of free public libraries of any other city, school organization, institution of higher learning, or county, for the use of the library by their respective residents. Further, the Board may recommend contracting for services directly supporting the work of the library.
The Board may authorize the use of the library by nonresidents in any one or more of the following ways:
1. By lending books or other materials to residents of incorporated cities without library service upon payment of a special nonresident library fee.
2. By participation in the State Library of Iowa's Open Access Program.
3. By contracting with the County Board of Supervisors for library service to County residents.
4. By establishing branch libraries for lending books or other library materials to nonresidents.
5. By cooperating with the Lisbon Public Library in offering services and programming for both communities.
The City shall annually allocate funds for support of public library services, of which the College may use not more than twenty percent (20%) for library overhead expenses. The City shall annually allocate funds as voted and approved by previous permissible levy, Section 384.12 of the Code of Iowa, in the amount of $.27 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. Additionally, the library will submit to the Council annually its request for funding over and above that amount approved by the referendum (Section 384.12 of the Code of Iowa). That amount will be submitted to the City Clerk's office no later than January 1st of each calendar year for Council consideration in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
1. Either Cornell College or the City may withdraw from supporting public library services by delivery of a letter of intent to rescind, with the effective date no less that one year in the future.
2. Failure on the part of either the City or Cornell College to provide adequate financial support shall be regarded as voluntary withdrawal.
3. In the event of termination or withdrawal, each party shall retain title to any and all assets, which it may have held at the time of the effective date of this chapter (May 17, 2001). It is further understood that this provision will not affect any such assets, which have been necessarily replaced in the usual course of business because of age or condition. All other assets, including books and other library materials and furnishings shall be divided among the parties on the basis of each party's respective proportion of the financial support. In the event of termination, the City may opt to transfer ownership of City-owned books and library materials to Russell D. Cole Library.