Division 6.6 regulates the size, location, height, and screening of all outdoor storage and display to protect public safety, health, and welfare; preserve and enhance property values; and preserve and strengthen the character of communities.
A. Division 6.6 applies to any site where merchandise, material, or equipment is displayed or stored outside of a completely enclosed building.
B. Division 6.6 does not apply to:
1. merchandise, material, or equipment for agricultural uses in an Agricultural or Rural Residential zone; and
2. where allowed, the outdoor sale, lease, or rental of motor vehicles and heavy equipment as part of a properly allowed use.
A. Outdoor Display
1. Defined
a. Outdoor display means the outside display of products actively available for sale. The outdoor placement of any propane gas storage rack, ice storage bin, soft drink, or similar vending machine is an outdoor display.
b. Outdoor display does not include merchandise or material in boxes, in crates, on pallets, or other kinds of shipping containers (see outdoor storage).
2. Standards
Any nonresidential use may have an outdoor display if the deciding body approves the applicable plan illustrating the extent of the permitted area for outdoor display. An outdoor display must:
a. be removed and placed inside a fully-enclosed building at the end of each business day, except a propane gas storage rack, ice storage bin, soft drink or similar vending machine may remain outside overnight; and
b. not impede pedestrian use of the sidewalk or parking areas.
B. Outdoor Storage
1. Limited Outdoor Storage
a. Defined
Limited outdoor storage includes:
i. overnight outdoor storage of any vehicle awaiting repair;
ii. outdoor storage of merchandise or material in boxes, in crates, on pallets or other kinds of shipping containers;
iii. outdoor sales area for building supplies, garden supplies, or plants;
iv. outdoor storage of fleet vehicles; and
v. outdoor storage of any vehicle, boat, recreational vehicle, or other similar vehicle at a storage facility.
b. Standards
Limited outdoor storage is allowed when it is accessory to an allowed use if the deciding body approves the applicable plan illustrating the extent of the permitted area for limited outdoor storage. Limited outdoor storage must satisfy the standards of the zone or the use.
2. General Outdoor Storage
a. Defined
General outdoor storage includes any material associated with industrial uses, such as equipment, lumber, pipe, steel, salvage, or recycled materials.
b. Standards
General outdoor storage is permitted and must:
i. in the Industrial zones, include screening of inventory and equipment under Section 6.5.3, unless the use abuts or confronts property in an Industrial zone; and
ii. in all other zones:
(a) have an approved plan illustrating the extent of the permitted area for general outdoor storage;
(b) be located on property that fronts on and has direct access to a road built to Neighborhood Connector Street or higher standards;
(c) be located on property with a minimum area of 5 acres if abutting an Agricultural, Rural Residential, or Residential zone;
(d) be set back a minimum of 50 feet from any lot line; and
(e) include screening of inventory and equipment under Section 6.5.3, unless the use abuts or confronts property in an Industrial zone.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 19-39, §11.)
Division 6.7 regulates the size, location, height, and construction of all signs placed for public view. The requirements are intended to protect the health safety, and welfare of the community through the following objectives:
A. encourage the effective use of signs;
B. maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment of the County;
C. promote the use of signs to identify buildings and geographic areas;
D. improve pedestrian, vehicle, and bicycle traffic safety;
E. promote the compatibility of signs with the surrounding land uses;
F. promote the economic development and marketing of businesses;
G. provide increased flexibility in the number, size, location, design, and operating characteristics of signs; and
H. implement the recommendations of approved master plans and design guidelines.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 19-33, §2.)
A. A property owner must obtain a permit under Division 6.7 before a sign is constructed, erected, moved, enlarged, illuminated, or substantially altered, except for signs covered by Section 6.7.3, Exempt Signs.
B. A property owner must maintain a sign in good repair and in a safe condition. Routine maintenance does not require a permit. Routine maintenance includes painting, cleaning, changing copy where permitted, or changing copy to satisfy a sign concept plan.
C. A sign not listed in Division 6.7 or that does not satisfy the requirements in Division 6.7 may be constructed if the applicant obtains a variance from the Sign Review Board.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 19-33, §2.)
The following signs are exempt from Division 6.7:
A. Small Private Signs
A sign on private property does not require a permit when the area of the sign is 2 square feet or less, and:
1. the sign is on private property customarily associated with residential living or decoration; or
2. the sign is part of a mailbox or newspaper tube and satisfies government regulations.
B. Public Signs
Signs installed or authorized by the County, a municipality, a public utility, or a public agency.
C. Other Signs
Any of the following signs unless prohibited under Section 6.7.4, Prohibited Signs:
1. a sign that is not visible beyond the property lines of the property where the sign is located;
2. a sign required to be displayed by law or regulation;
3. a flag that is displayed on a flagpole;
4. a sign that is cut into the masonry surface or constructed of bronze or other durable material and made an integral part of the structure such as a cornerstone, memorial, plaque, or historical marker;
5. a sign that is an integral part of a dispensing mechanism, such as a beverage machine, newspaper rack, or gasoline pump.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 18-08, §23; Ord. No. 19-19, §1; Ord. No. 19-33, §2.)