A sign not authorized in Division 6.7 is prohibited. The following signs are specifically prohibited and must not be erected or retained, and the Sign Review Board must not grant a variance permitting their erection, installation, or maintenance. A prohibited sign must be removed within 24 hours after notification by DPS that the sign must be removed.
A. Obscene Sign
A sign containing statements, words, or depictions that offend public morals or decency and are unprotected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is prohibited.
B. Obstructive Sign
A sign placed in a location that obstructs the view of traffic signs, traffic signals, oncoming traffic, pedestrians, or in any way interferes with the placement or function of any traffic control device as determined by the appropriate transportation jurisdiction is prohibited.
C. Unsafe Sign
A sign creating a safety hazard due to structural or electrical conditions, or by reason of inadequate maintenance, must be repaired to meet safety requirements or removed within 30 days after notice of the unsafe condition.
D. Sign Attached to the Property of Others
A sign attached to a structure or property such as a fence, wall, antenna, other sign, tree or other vegetation, or to any public structure such as a utility pole, without permission of the owner is prohibited.
E. Abandoned Sign
A permanent sign, including the structural supports and electrical connections, that is not maintained and no longer in use is prohibited..
F. Traffic Safety
1. A sign illuminated in a pattern or lighting combination that resembles a traffic signal is prohibited.
2. A sign shaped like a traffic sign or traffic signal, or that uses wording similar to traffic signals, or interferes with traffic safety is prohibited.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 18-08, §23; Ord. No. 19-09, §1; Ord. No. 19-33, §2.)