Artisan Manufacturing and Production means a structure used for the manufacture and production of commercial goods by a manual worker or craftsperson, such as jewelry, metalwork, cabinetry, stained glass, textiles, ceramics, or hand-made food products. Artisan Manufacturing and Production does not include any activity that causes noise, odor, or vibration to be detectable on a neighboring property.
Heavy Manufacturing and Production means a building used for the processing, manufacturing, or compounding of materials or products predominately from raw materials, which may include the storage of large volumes of highly flammable, toxic matter or explosives, and may involve outdoor operations as part of their manufacturing process. Heavy manufacturing processes have greater than average impacts on the environment or significant impacts on the use and enjoyment of adjacent property in terms of noise, smoke, fumes, odors, glare, or health and safety hazards. Heavy Manufacturing and Production does not include arsenals; blast furnaces; boiler works; distillation of bones; dumps; fat rendering; forge plants; incinerators, except when operated or licensed by a duly authorized public agency; ore reduction; packing houses, including meat canning or curing houses; petroleum refining, or storage in more than tank car lots; rolling mills; smelting; tanning, curing or dyeing of leather, rawhides or skins, or storage of skins; and wool pulling or scouring. Heavy Manufacturing and Production also does not include acetylene; ammonia, bleaching powder, chlorine; asphalt; celluloid or pyroxylin (or treatment of celluloid or pyroxylin); disinfectants; emery cloth or sandpaper; explosives, fireworks or gunpowder; fertilizers; gas for illumination or heating; glue, size, or gelatin; insecticides; lampblack; leather goods; linoleum; matches; mortar, lime, plaster, cement, gypsum; oil cloth or oiled products; paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish employing a boiling or rendering process; potash; rubber or products made from rubber; soap; shoeblacking or polish; soda or soda compound; acids or other corrosive or offensive substances; tar or tar roofing or water proofing or other tar products or distillation of tar; and yeast, except as part of medical and biotechnical research and development.
1. Defined
Light Manufacturing and Production means a building used for the manufacturing of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, and packaging of such products and parts, and incidental storage, sales, and distribution, where all manufacturing processes and noise, odor from processes other than food or beverage production, smoke, heat, glare and vibration resulting from the manufacturing processes are contained entirely within a building.
2. Use Standards
Where Light Manufacturing and Production is allowed as a limited use, and the subject lot abuts or confronts a property zoned Agricultural, Rural Residential, or Residential Detached that is vacant or improved with an agricultural or residential use, site plan approval is required under Section 7.3.4.
a. In CRN, CRT, and CR zones, the only light manufacturing uses allowed are:
i. brewing alcoholic beverages up to 22,500 barrels a year; and
ii. distilling alcoholic beverages up to 50,000 gallons per year.
b. In the EOF zone, the only use limitations are:
i. brewing alcoholic beverages up to 60,000 barrels a year; and
ii. distilling alcoholic beverages up to 100,000 gallons per year.
1. Defined
Medical/Scientific Manufacturing and Production means a building used for the manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembly, or packaging, including incidental storage, sales, and distribution, of cosmetics, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, synthetic molecules, products resulting from biotechnical and biogenetic research and medical, scientific, or technical instruments, devices, and equipment.
2. Use Standards
Where Medical/Scientific Manufacturing and Production is allowed as a limited use, and the subject lot abuts or confronts a property zoned Agricultural, Rural Residential, or Residential Detached that is vacant or improved with an agricultural or residential use, site plan approval is required under Section 7.3.4.
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 18-35, §2.)