§ 33.060 VACATION.
   (A)   Employee benefits. The policies contained in this chapter and throughout the Town of Monon Personnel Policies Handbook apply to all Town of Monon employees, except when in direct conflict with special employment conditions set forth by various statutes governing employment relationships.
   (B)   The Town of Monon recognizes the need to provide paid vacation leave for its employees. All full-time employees shall receive one day of vacation pay (straight time base rate) each year for the employee's birthday in addition to the following schedule:
      (1)   One-year continuous service: five days.
      (2)   Two to five years of continuous service: ten days.
      (3)   Six or more years of continuous service: 15 days.
   (C)   Vacation days will be earned on a calendar year basis. Vacation time will not be included in overtime calculations.
   (D)   Regarding the vacation days referenced above, one day shall equal eight hours. An employee must give the department head 48 hours written notice of intention to take a vacation day, unless an emergency arises, and then the employee shall notify the office or the Clerk-Treasurer as soon as possible. Vacation days may be taken in full week increments or a single day at a time. Only regular scheduled workdays may be counted as vacation days. Vacation time will not accrue from year to year. If the employee does not use his or her vacation time by the end of the calendar year, the vacation time will be forfeited.
   (E)   If an employee is involuntarily terminated by the Town of Monon, the Town of Monon will pay any unused vacation leave.
   (F)   If an employee voluntarily resigns their position, the Town of Monon will pay any unused vacation leave due to the employee in the year of resignation provided that the employee gives appropriate notice. Non-exempt employees must give two weeks' notice and exempt employees must give four weeks' notice. In the event of an employee's death, payment for any unused vacation leave will be made to the employee's estate.
   (G)   Vacation time shall not be used to extend an employee's termination date.
(Ord. 2022-13, passed 12-21-2022)