A.   Authority To Enforce:
      1.   It shall be the duty of the village president, or his duly authorized agent, to examine or cause to be examined all persons and places of business subject to license for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not such licenses have been procured.
      2.   In case of the neglect or refusal of any person to procure a license as required by any section of this title or any ordinance, the village president shall have the authority, and it shall be his duty, to take such action as he deems necessary to enforce said license requirement.
   B.   Police Powers: The village president or his duly authorized agent, shall have full police powers to enforce the provisions of this title or applicable ordinance, shall have the right to cause to be arrested any person who violates any of the license provisions of this title or any ordinance and shall have the right of entry, at any time, to any place of business for which a license is required by this title or any ordinance, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the said license provisions have been complied with.
   C.   Action To Compel Compliance: It shall be the duty of the official or board charged with the enforcement of any license provisions of this title or any ordinance to take such action as shall be necessary to compel compliance with the said provision. (Ord. 608, 10-8-1986)