General Provisions
50.01 Definitions
50.02 Standard Electrical Code
50.03 Regulation, inspection, and repair of electrical equipment
50.04 Denial of electric service
50.05 Installation of electrical apparatus
50.06 Wire terminals, splices, and joints
50.07 Standards by which materials are judged
50.08 Enclosing live parts
50.09 Outside supply lines
50.10 Services
50.11 Wiring methods
Billing; Rates and Charges
50.20 Billing and delinquent accounts
50.21 Discontinuance of service
50.22 Charge for reestablishing electricity to premises
50.23 Reestablishing electricity to premises after cut-off for nonpayment of electric bill
50.24 Unclaimed deposits
50.25 Rates for electrical energy
50.26 Outdoor street lights
50.27 Extension of electric service facilities
50.28 Customer contribution to cost of extension
50.29 After hours service call
Customer Self-Generation Policies
50.35 Net metering policy
50.36 Interconnection policy
Prohibited Practices
50.48 Unlawful interference with public utility services
50.49 Obstructing electric current meters
50.99 Penalty