(A)   Extension for new service. The Electric Department will make extensions of its lines for the purpose of serving applicant(s) under the following general terms and conditions:
      (1)   The location of the premises to be served shall be within a territory where the Electric Department is lawfully permitted to render service.
      (2)   The Electric Department shall be supplied with an easement satisfactory to the Electric Department from its existing lines to a point adjacent to the premises proposed to be served.
      (3)   The applicant and the anticipated usage shall meet the requirements of the applicable electric rate schedule for the type service requested.
      (4)   Each request for new service which requires the applicant to pay a contribution in aid of construction, shall require the applicant to enter into an agreement with the city covering the terms of the contribution. The Electric Department shall not be required to start construction until the contribution is paid in full.
      (5)   In the event the Electric Department shall require space for facilities of any kind in order to provide service to the customer under any applicable service classification, the customer shall furnish free of charge adequate space satisfactory to the city for the location of such equipment.
   (B)   Character of service.
      (1)   Standard service.
         (a)   The standard form of electric service provided by the Electric Department is overhead electric service. Overhead service shall be delivered to the individual customer facility by means of overhead cables from the existing overhead electric system to a designated point on the customer’s facility of sufficient height to comply with applicable code clearances. Standard service entrance sizes and voltages are as follows:
   Service Entrance Size
100 amp
200 amp
400 amp
Available to
120v/240v 1-phase
All rates
120v/208v 3-phase
All rates, non-residential
240v 3-phase
All rates, non-residential
277v/480v 3-phase
All rates, non-residential
480v 3-phase
All rates, non-residential
         (b)   All requests for service not conforming to these conditions shall be considered non-standard service.
         (c)   Charges for standard service. The following installation fees shall be paid by each customer requiring service:
Overhead service connection/existing overhead area
No charge
Overhead service connection/existing underground area
Not available
Underground service connection/existing overhead area
Underground service connection/existing underground area
Existing overhead service to be changed to underground
(Cost for changing an existing overhead service to an underground service does not include removal, demolition or replacement of any structure, i.e., dog pens, storage sheds, concrete flatwork, fences, landscaping, etc.)
Service connections are to be installed as described in division (B)(3) of this section.
   CommercialSingle Phase
Overhead service connection/existing overhead area
No charge
Overhead service connection/existing underground area
Not available
Underground service connection/existing overhead area
Underground service connection/existing underground area
Existing overhead service to be changed to underground
(Cost for changing an existing overhead service to an underground service does not include removal, demolition or replacement of any structure, i.e., dog pens, storage sheds, concrete flatwork, fences, landscaping, etc.)
Service connections are to be installed as described in division (B)(3) of this section.
   Commercial and Large CommercialThree Phase
Overhead service connection/existing overhead area
No charge
Overhead service connection/existing underground area
Not available
Underground service connection/existing overhead area
Underground service connection/existing underground area
Existing overhead service to be changed to underground
(Cost for changing an existing overhead service to an underground service does not include removal, demolition or replacement of any structure, i.e., dog pens, storage sheds, concrete flatwork, fences, landscaping, etc.)
Service connections up to 100 circuit-feet of primary service line conductor. It shall be the Electric Department’s responsibility to determine the location at which the customer must install the service entrance. Such location shall be the closest practical location to the Electric Department’s existing or proposed electrical facilities from which service is to be provided. In determining the closest practical location, aesthetics shall not be considered. Customers requiring service line lengths greater than 100 feet shall be charged for the excess footage above 100 feet at $15.00/ft. The customer must supply the conduit and secondary conductor to the power source.
   Area Lighting (Customer Requested)
Overhead service connection/existing overhead area including the installation of a maximum 35-foot pole
Overhead service connection/existing overhead area NOT including the installation of a maximum 35-foot pole
Overhead service connection/existing underground area
Not available
Underground service connection/existing overhead area
Not available
Underground service connection/existing underground area including the installation of a maximum 35-foot pole
Service connections include up to 100 circuit-feet of service line conductor. It shall be the Electric Department’s responsibility to determine the location at which the 100 watt light shall be installed. Such location shall be the closest practical location to the Electric Department’s existing or proposed electrical facilities from which service is to be provided. In determining the closest practical location, aesthetics shall not be considered. Customers requiring service line lengths greater than 100 feet shall be charged for the excess footage above 100 feet at $4.00/ft.
   All Rate Classifications
If customer requests the service entrance to be at a location other than the closest practical location to the Electric Department’s existing or proposed electrical facilities, excess footage shall be charged at the above rates for all footage beyond the closest practical location.
The owner or owner’s contractor shall provide the service head, riser conduit, and all other materials and installations required to make a complete installation, as described on standard drawings provided by the Electric Department. Meter sockets shall be located at a height of five feet above final grade with all meters located outside of any building or restricted area.
      (2)   Non-standard service. A non-standard service voltage, service entrance size, or other non- standard service condition may be requested. Any such non-standard service conditions must be requested by the applicant in writing and such request must include accurate information concerning the non- standard service being requested and include the kilowatt peak demand and annual kilowatt-hour usage, and location of loads to be served. If it is practical, in the opinion of the city, the non-standard service may be provided; however, the owner shall bear the additional expense of special facilities installed by the Electric Department. The applicant shall also bear the risk of extended loss of service in the event of a transformer failure if the non-standard service provided includes a non-standard voltage or voltage transformation.
      (3)   Service line installation.
         (a)   Overhead connectionexisting overhead area.
            1.   Overhead service shall be delivered to the individual residence by means of overhead cable from the electric system pole structure to a designated point on the dwelling of sufficient height to comply to applicable clearances.
            2.   The location of the service entrance shall be such as to provide for the shortest route from the structure to the home/business as practical. The owner or contractor shall provide the service head, riser conduit, and all other materials and installation labor required to make a complete installation. The owner or contractor shall also provide and install the meter socket and the secondary conductor to the point of connection with the utility. Included in the costs stated above, the city shall provide and install the meter.
         (b)   Overhead service connection underground area. Overhead service in an underground service area will not be permitted unless, in the opinion of the city, that due to engineering considerations, this is the only feasible and practical manner in which service may be provided.
         (c)   New and existing underground service connectionexisting overhead area. 
            1.   Underground service in an overhead service area will be available, provided engineering considerations will not prohibit service, in the opinion of the city.
            2.   The location of the service entrance shall be such as to provide for the shortest route from the structure to the home/business as practical. The owner or contractor shall provide the service head, riser conduit, and all other materials and installation labor required to make a complete installation. The owner or contractor shall also provide and install the meter socket and the secondary conductor to the point of connection with the utility. Included in the costs stated above, the city shall provide and install the meter.
            3.   For three-phase installations, the owner or contractor shall terminate the secondary connections at the transformer.
         (d)   Underground service connectionexisting underground area.
            1.   In areas designated for underground service, the services shall be delivered to the residences by means of a buried cable from pedestal, vault or pad mount transformer located on or near the property line to a point designated on the dwelling. The location of the service entrance shall be such as to provide the shortest route from the pedestal, vault or pad mounted transformer to the house as may be practical. All obstructions such as debris, dirt piles, brush, and the like, shall be removed prior to the installation of service, and the lot shall also be graded to within one foot of final grade.
            2.   The owner or contractor shall provide the service head, riser conduit, and all other materials and installation labor required to make a complete installation. The owner or contractor shall also provide and install the meter socket and the secondary conductor to the point of connection with the utility. Included in the costs stated above, the city shall provide and install the meter.
            3.   For three-phase installations, the owner or contractor shall terminate the secondary connections at the transformer.
   (C)   Service entrance methods.
      (1)   Drawings depicting approved service installations shall be furnished to any user, contractor, or prospective user upon completion of a service application.
      (2)   The drawings for each type of service entrance shall be as recommended by the Electric Department and as approved by the city.
      (3)   The Electric Department shall, from time to time, propose revisions to the service entrance drawings. Revisions shall take effect for any new construction started 15 days after approval of the city.
      (4)   Any new, rebuilt, or upgraded service entrances shall comply with the approved drawings. Failure to comply with the approved drawings shall be sufficient cause to refuse service.
      (5)   Service will be furnished to customers only after a meter has been installed by the Electric Department.
   (D)   Non-standard service.
      (1)   Any person, firm or corporation requesting special electrical service (three-phase service or a special voltage) requiring additional line and/or additional or special transformers to supply electric energy shall pay the cost of the additional line, transformers and labor necessary to make the necessary installation.
      (2)   If a customer elects and makes a request to have a non-standard service and the feasibility of such service is approved by the city to provide such service, the customer assumes all risks incurred from such special non-standard service. These risks would include extended outages that may be due to transformer failure until the transformer is repaired or a suitable replacement can be obtained and installed.
   (E)   Charges for temporary electric service.
      (1)   Charges for a temporary service connection shall be $50. If temporary service is eventually changed to a permanent service, the customer will be charged additionally the cost for permanent service.
      (2)   Overhead service shall be delivered to the construction area by means of overhead cable from the electric system pole structure to a designated point or pole near the construction area of sufficient height to comply to applicable clearances. The location of the service entrance shall be at the discretion of the Electric Department.
      (3)   The owner or contractor shall provide the designated point or pole for attachment, service head, riser conduit, and all other materials and installation labor required to make a complete installation. The city shall provide, without charge, the meter to be installed in the meter loop by the customer.
   (F)   Indexing of listed charges. The charges listed above are based upon fiscal year 2002 construction costs, which are based on the United Stated Consumer Price Index of 177.50. Each year, at the beginning of the city’s fiscal year, the unit costs will be escalated by the ratio of the United States Consumer Price Index on the first published date after the beginning of the most recent fiscal year to the index included here. This escalation shall be rounded to the nearest dollar.
(Ord. 2002-1, passed 2-11-2002)