WHEREAS, the City of Metropolis determined to codify its ordinances on or about September 26, 1977 and did cause the codification of such ordinances to be published in book form as "Revised Metropolis City Code"; and
   WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the City of Metropolis find that a substantial body of ordinances have been adopted since the publication of the Revised Metropolis City Code which amend, repeal, or supplement the Revised Metropolis City Code; and
   WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities find due to the volume of ordinances that have been drafted since 1976 and the absence of a current organizational structure or compilation of those ordinances it has become inefficient and unduly laborsome and to research current municipal law and regulation within the City of Metropolis; and
   WHEREAS, Corporate Authorities find that the public will be served by the adoption of a revised codification of its ordinances; and
   WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have reviewed and studied a draft codification of the ordinances of the City of Metropolis; and
   WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities find that they have authority pursuant to Section 1-2-3 of the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/1-2-3) to undertake the preparation of an ordinance to revise the City ordinances; and
   WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have been presented with a codification or comprehensive revision of the municipality's ordinances prepared and published in part by American Legal Publishing; and
   WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities find that said codification or comprehensive revision of the City's ordinances represents an accurate and complete statement or publication of the ordinances now in effect in the City of Metropolis, Illinois.
   NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council and Mayor of the City of Metropolis as follows:
   1.   That there is hereby adopted by the City of Metropolis a codification of its ordinances which shall be hereinafter designated as the "Code of Metropolis" and may be so cited.
   2.   That the Revised Metropolis City Code adopted on or about September 26, 1977 is hereby repealed.
   3.   That any and all ordinances, resolutions, or motions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
   4.   That the City Clerk is authorized and directed to publish the Code of Metropolis in book form and shall cause copies of the same to be made available to the public for inspection and copying in the City Clerk's office, 106 West 5th Street, Metropolis, Illinois and at the City of Metropolis Public Library. In addition thereto, the City Clerk shall procure and obtain and cause electronic copies of the Code of Metropolis to be published and made available for inspection at the aforesaid locations.
   5.   That the City of Metropolis shall cause a copy of the Code of Metropolis to be installed or placed upon the City's website where it maybe viewed and read by the public or shall otherwise provide a link to a site on the worldwide web where such code may be viewed and read.
   6.   That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law.
   Adopted this 9th day of April, 2007 by the following vote of the Corporate Authorities.
William Carrell      yea  
Charles Oliver       yea  
J.D. Holley         yea  
Richard Cozine, Sr.      yea  
David McManus       yea  
Bob Midnight          yea  
Charles Barfield       absent
Jerry Mizelly         yea  
Billy McDaniel      yea  
                              Brenda Westbrooks /s/   
                              Brenda Westbrooks, City Clerk
The above and foregoing Ordinance was approved this 9th day of April, 2007.
                                  Billy McDaniel /s/      
                              Billy McDaniel
                              Mayor of the City of Metropolis, Illinois
Brenda Westbrooks /s/   
Brenda Westbrooks, City Clerk City of Metropolis, Illinois