(A) Open wiring prohibited. Open wiring (wiring on porcelain knobs or cleats) is prohibited except in locations where excessive moisture exists, or the installation of other approved forms of construction is impracticable. For exposed wiring, wires shall, (except by special permit from the Public Works Director) be installed in standard conduit, armored cable, or metal raceways. For concealed wiring, wires shall be installed in standard conduit or armored cable, except by special permit from the Public Works Director.
(B) Conduits, raceways, junction boxes, and the like. When rigid conduit is used, the tube and all elbows, bends, couplings, and similar fittings shall be made of noncorrodible conduit or (excluding threads and joints) be protected by an approved coating of corrosion resistant material. When flexible conduit is used it shall be similarly protected against corrosion. Conduits shall be installed as a complete system without the wires, and shall be continuous from outlet to outlet, and from fitting to fitting, and the ends of conduits shall be threaded and reamed before installation and shall be mechanically and electrically connected to all fittings. All ends and connections shall be reamed so as to protect the wires from abrasion. Flexible cords shall be used only for pendants, wiring of fixtures, and portable devices. At each outlet, switch, or junction of conduit, metal raceway, or cable, an approved box shall be installed and the box shall be protected with a cover unless a fixture canopy is present. Junction boxes shall be so installed that the wiring contained in them may be readily accessible. All metallic conduit, armored cable, or metallic raceways shall be grounded as protective measure. The conduit for grounding shall be noncorrodible material.
(1977 Code, § 3-15-10) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) All bills for electrical energy shall be due and payable, and in any event shall be paid on or before the tenth day of the month in which the same becomes due. If the bill shall not be paid on or before the tenth day of the month in which the same becomes due then and in that event a penalty of 6% shall be added to the total amount then due and payable, and the City Clerk and Collector is authorized and directed to collect the 3% penalty in addition to the total amount then due and payable.
(B) Any delinquent customer, however, shall have the right to liquidate old accounts standing against the customer at the time of the taking effect of this chapter by payment of 20% of such old accounts each month at the time the current bill is paid; any customer or user of such electrical energy who fails to pay at least 20% of the old account each month after the taking effect of this chapter shall be adjudged delinquent and so certified, as aforesaid.
(1977 Code, § 3-15-11(part)) (Am. Ord. 2012-02, passed 3-26-2012)
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It is the policy of the city to discontinue utility service to customers by reason of nonpayment of bills only after notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard on disputed bills. The city’s form for application for utility service and all bills shall contain, in addition to the title, address, room number, and telephone number of the official in charge of billing, clearly visible and easily readable provisions to the following effect:
(1) All bills are due and payable on or before the date set forth on the bill;
(2) If any bill is not paid by or before that date, a second bill will be mailed containing a cutoff notice that if the bill is not paid within ten days of the mailing of the second bill, service will be discontinued for nonpayment; and
(3) Any customer disputing the correctness of his or her bill shall have a right to a hearing at which time he or she may be represented in person and by counsel or any other person of his or her choosing and may present orally or in writing his or her complaint and contentions to the city official in charge of utility billing. This official shall be authorized to order that the customer’s service not be discontinued and shall have the authority to make a final determination of the customer’s complaint.
(B) Requests for delays or waiver of payment will not be entertained; only questions of proper and correct billing will be considered. In the absence of payment of the bill rendered or resort to the hearing procedure provided herein, service will be discontinued at the time specified, but in no event until the charges have been due and unpaid for at least 30 days.
Where electricity has been cut off under the provisions in § 50.21, the charge for reestablishing service, after financial agreements have been cleared with the office of the City Clerk and Collector, shall be $100. No reinstatement shall be made after 3:00. p.m. during any working day. Reinstatement of electric service following shutoff for nonpayment shall be made only on working days and within 24 hours, if reasonably possible, from receipt of payment.
(Ord. 81-7, passed 7-27-1981; Am. Ord. 2008- 23, passed 10-15-2008; Am. Ord. 2022-32, passed 11-28-2022; Am. Ord. 2023-05, passed 4-24-2023) Penalty, see §
Electric service will not be established or reestablished until the provisions of this subchapter, including the following, are complied with:
(A) Electrical service will not be established or reestablished for any present or former customer, whether or not such customer remains a resident of the premises previously receiving electrical service, until such customer shall do either of the following:
(1) Pay in full all unpaid electrical bills owed the city by the customer, together with interest thereon; or
(2) Enter into financial agreements with and acceptable to the city, for the payment thereof.
(B) Electrical service will not be established for any new applicant for such service at a premises where the electricity supply has been shut off for nonpayment and where the former nonpaying customer is an occupant or resident, until and unless the requirements of division (A) regarding payment in full or acceptable financial agreements are satisfied.
(C) The city shall be authorized to discontinue electric service to any building, dwelling, residence, or premises in which any person is residing who owes an outstanding bill for electrical service at that premise or any other premise located in the city and for which payment has not been made or financial arrangements have not been made and which charges have not been previously discharged in bankruptcy.
(D) (1) No person, firm, business or other entity, having had electric service to its premise cutoff for nonpayment of an electric bill shall reestablish electric service by any of the following means:
(a) By use of a portable generator;
(b) By use of an electric extension cord or cords extended to another source of electric power;
(c) By use of a altered, stolen, or tampered electric meter;
(d) By tampering with the existing meter;
(e) By use of any other physical equipment, device, or contraption; including without limitation solar panels; or
(f) By use of any means not specifically authorized in writing by the City’s electric department.
(2) No person firm, business, or other entity having had electric service shut off to its premises for nonpayment of an electric bill shall receive or acquire electricity while said electric charges to the City remain unpaid and outstanding by any of the following means:
(a) By use of a portable generator;
(b) By use of an electric extension cord or cords extended to another source of electric power;
(c) By use of an altered, stolen, or tampered electric meter;
(d) By tampering with the existing meter;
(e) By use of any other physical equipment, device, or contraption; including without limitation solar panels; or
(f) By use of any means not specifically authorized in writing by the City’s electric department.
(3) Any law enforcement official who either witnesses or is advised by the city’s electric department of a violation either provision division (D)(1) or (D) (2) of this section may issue a No Court Appearance Required citation for violation of said divisions. Such citation shall require the payment of a fine only in the amount of $100, if paid within 30 days in the Office of the City Clerk. In the event any person, firm, business, or other entity issued a No Court Appearance Required citation for violation of divisions (D)(1) or (D) (2) of this section, fails to pay the above fine within 30 days, a law enforcement officer shall issue such person, firm, business or other entity a notice to appear requiring a court appearance for such violation. Any person convicted of violating either division (D)(1) or (D)(2) of this section following a court appearance shall be fined $250 plus court costs.
(4) No person, firm, business, or entity found to in violation of either division (D)(1) or division (D)(2) of this section shall have electricity restored to their premises until all outstanding charges for electricity together with reinstatement fees have been paid in full and all fines and court costs, if applicable, imposed under this Section have been paid in full. No payment arrangements or other financial arrangements as provided in this section shall be made with any person, firm, business or other entity found to be in violation of either division (D)(1) or (D)(2) of this section. No person, firm, business, or entity found to be in violation of either division (D)(1) or (D)(2) of this section shall be entitled to receive electric service at any other premises located within or without the City of Metropolis from the City of Metropolis Electric System until all outstanding invoices for electric services, all reinstatement fees and all fines and court costs, if applicable, have been paid in full as well.
(Ord. 81-7, passed 7-27-1981; Am. Ord. 89-11, passed 7-24-1989; Am. Ord. 2008-23, passed 10-15-2008; Am. Ord. 2008-32, passed 11-24-2008; Am. Ord. 2012-02, passed 3-26-2012; Am. Ord. 2016-14, passed 9-12-2016) Penalty, see §
The rates for electrical service are adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein. A copy of the rate schedule shall be on file in the City Clerk’s Office.
(1977 Code, § 3-15-14) (Am. Ord. 81-1, passed 2-9-1981; Am. Ord. 83-7, passed 9-2-1983; Am. Ord. 94-9, passed 4-25-1994; Am. Ord. 2001-58, passed 12-26-2001; Am. Ord. 2011-19, passed 7-28-2011; Am. Ord. 2015-1, passed 1-26-2015)
(A) A $5 charge shall be assessed any person or persons for furnishing electricity to any outdoor electric street light where the light is located outside the corporate limits or within the corporate limits when additional outdoor lighting is requested at a private residence.
(B) The charge shall be paid monthly in addition to person’s electric bill.
(C) All street lights presently outside the city limits and for which no one pays the monthly charge shall be removed.
(D) Any future installation of electric street lights outside the city limits shall be only after the individual person or persons have purchased and furnished the city with the electric light and agreed to assume payment of the monthly charge.
(Ord. 82-10, passed 6-28-1982) Penalty, see § 10.99