(A) Where snow removal and storage may pose a problem to traffic circulation or reduce the amount of adequate parking for winter business, the developer of the property shall designate a snow storage area and remove snow as necessary.
(B) Required Area: Snow storage areas not less than thirty-three percent (33%) of the parking, sidewalk and driveway areas shall be incorporated into the site design.
(C) Location:
1. Snow storage may only use landscape areas that are planted with salt tolerant and resilient plant materials that can tolerate the weight of stacked snow.
2. Snow storage may use up to thirty-three percent (33%) of the required parking areas.
3. Snow storage areas shall be located to avoid piling of snow against existing significant trees.
(A) Property Numbers: All structures shall have a street property number, as assigned by the city, with characters not less than four inches (4") tall, with a color contrasting with the color of the background and visible day and night from the street at a point of driveway egress from the street or, for commercial business, at a point near the primary entrance to the business.
(B) Sidewalk, Curb And Gutter And/Or Pathways: Sidewalks or pathways shall be required improvements for projects requiring design review approval in the commercial zones, or other districts where existing sidewalks/pathways adjoin the subject property, or where the commission determines sidewalks/pathways are necessary for public safety or located on the McCall area pathways master plan. The requirement for sidewalks/pathways may be waived if the cost of the proposed construction is disproportional to the total construction costs and impact of the project. Sidewalks (and curb and gutter where required) shall meet the standards set forth in the city's improvement standard drawings, as adopted.
(C) Data Submission: The applicant shall provide the data as required by the digital data submittal standards policy if applicable. (Ord. 923, 5-22-2014)
"Retail, formula" businesses, as defined in chapter 2 of this title, are limited to no more than ten percent (10%) of the total of like businesses in McCall and the area of city impact. "Like businesses" in this context are those which have substantially the same product offering, such as food stores, furniture stores, auto parts stores, etc., and is not the total quantity of all categories of like businesses. Service stations and supermarkets are not subject to this restriction; provided, that these uses are not combined with formula restaurants or other formula retail with a different product offering. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)
(A) Purpose: These standards:
1. Together with the garage standards, ensure that there is a physical and visual connection between the living area of the residence and the street.
2. Enhance public safety for residents and visitors and provide opportunities for community interaction.
3. Ensure that the pedestrian entrance is visible or clearly identifiable from the street by its orientation or articulation.
(B) Applicability:
1. The standards of subsection (C) of this section apply to single-family and two-family dwellings, and townhouse units in the R4 through R16 zones.
2. Where a proposal is for an alteration or addition to existing development, the standards of this section apply only to the portion being altered or added.
3. On sites with more than one street frontage, the applicant may choose on which frontage to meet the standards.
4. Development on flag lots or on lots that slope up or down from the street with an average slope of twenty percent (20%) or more is exempt from these standards.
5. Main entrances for developments which have secured a building permit prior to March 16, 2006, are exempt from these provisions.
(C) Standards: At least one main entrance for each structure must:
1. Be within eight feet (8') of the longest street facing wall of the dwelling unit; and
2. One of the following:
(a) Face the street. See figure 3.8.19(A) of this section.
(b) Be at an angle of up to forty five degrees (45°) from the street.
(c) Open onto a porch. See figure 3.8.19(B) of this section. The porch must:
(1) Be at least twenty five (25) square feet in area.
(2) Have at least one entrance facing the street.
(3) Have a roof that is:
A. No more than twelve feet (12') above the floor of the porch.
B. At least thirty percent (30%) solid. This standard may be met by having thirty percent (30%) of the porch area covered with a solid roof, or by having the entire area covered with a trellis or other open material if no more than seventy percent (70%) of the area of the material is open.
(Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)
(A) Purpose: These standards:
1. Together with the main entrance standards, ensure that there is a physical and visual connection between the living area of the residence and the street.
2. Ensure that the location and amount of the living area of the residence, as seen from the street, is more prominent than the garage.
3. Prevent garages from obscuring the main entrance from the street and ensure that the main entrance for pedestrians, rather than automobiles, is the prominent entrance.
4. Provide for a more pleasant pedestrian environment by preventing garages and vehicle areas from dominating the views of the neighborhood from the sidewalk.
5. Enhance public safety by preventing garages from blocking views of the street from inside the residence.
(B) Applicability:
1. Generally: Unless exempted by the provisions of this subsection, these standards apply to garages for single-family and two-family dwellings, and townhouse units, in the R4 through R16 zones.
2. Exemptions:
(a) Garages that are accessory to development on flag lots, or development on lots which slope up or down from the street with an average slope of twenty percent (20%) or more are exempt from the standards of this subsection.
(b) Detached garages which are located completely to the rear of the dwelling unit, accessible by a driveway from the street or rear alley.
(c) Lots with areas equal to, or greater than, ten thousand (10,000) square feet and with a street frontage of at least seventy five feet (75').
(d) Garages for developments which have secured a building permit prior to March 16, 2006, are exempt from these provisions.
(C) Standards: The commission will consider exceptions to these standards through design review.
1. Length: The length of the garage wall facing the street may be up to fifty percent (50%) of the length of the street facing building facade. See figure 3.8.20(A) of this section. For all other lots and structures, the standards apply to the street facing facade of each unit.
(a) Exception: Where the street facing facade of the building is less than twenty four feet (24') long, the garage wall facing the street may be up to twelve feet (12') long if there is one of the following. See figure 3.8.20(B) of this section.
(1) Interior Living Area Above The Garage: The living area must be set back no more than four feet (4') from the street facing garage wall.
(2) Covered Balcony Above The Garage: A covered balcony above the garage that is at least the same length as the street facing garage wall, at least six feet (6') deep, and accessible from the interior living area of the dwelling unit.
2. Proximity To Street Relative To Dwelling: A garage wall that faces a street may be no closer to the street lot line than the longest street facing wall of the dwelling unit. See figure 3.8.20(C) of this section. Where a lot has more than one street lot line, and there is an existing dwelling unit on the lot, this standard must be met only on the street facing facade on which the main entrance is located.
(a) Exception: A street facing garage wall may be up to six feet (6') in front of the longest street facing wall of the dwelling unit, if:
(1) The street facing garage wall is forty percent (40%) or less of the length of the building facade.
(2) There is a porch at the main entrance. The garage wall may not be closer to the street lot line than the front of the porch. See figure 3.8.20(D) of this section. The porch may not be more than twelve feet (12') above the floor of the porch.
(Ord. 939, 1-14-2016)
(A) Purpose: The purpose of the Local Housing Density Bonus Program is to implement the goals of the 2018 McCall Area Comprehensive Plan:
1. Promote a variety of quality housing types for current and future residents.
2. Support a local housing program as part of the vision for a diverse and year-round economy.
3. Support multi-faceted strategies to address local housing opportunities.
(B) Applicability: The density bonus may be applied in any residential or commercial district.
(C) General Provisions: Review and approval of a density bonus and the general provisions set forth below shall be determined through the required permit process as set forth in section 3.13.01. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed units/lots comply with the criteria for local housing as set forth in City Council adopted policies.
1. Local housing units in a development shall be mixed with, and not clustered together or segregated in any way from, market-rate units.
2. All development on the property, including the portion proposed for local housing, shall meet all the provisions of section 3.3.03 RESIDENTIAL ZONE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; 3.3.04 RESIDENTIAL ZONE LOT WIDTH VERSUS SIDE YARD SETBACK; 3.3.041 SNOW SHEDDING ROOF SETBACK; and 3.3.05 RESIDENTIAL ZONE LOT COVERAGE OF IMPROVEMENTS.
3. The location of parking spaces as set forth in section 3.8.06(D) and the number of parking spaces required as set forth in Table 3.8.062 VEHIICLE PARKING may be modified for local housing units pursuant to 3.8.06(I) REDUCTION OF REQUIREMENTS.
4. The local housing unit(s) provided as part of the density bonus shall be made available concurrent with the availability of the market rate units and recorded as a deed restricted local housing unit or lot.
(D) Calculation of the Density Bonus:
1. In the residential zones, density bonuses include additional dwelling units, additional building lots and reduction in minimum lot size above what is entitled in the base zone.
2. In the Community Commercial (CC) and Central Business District (CBD) zones, density bonus includes additional height above what is entitled in the zone.
3. The calculation of the density bonus is as shown in Table 3.8.21.
4. Only one incentive may be applied to any one project.
Incentive | Density Bonus |
Additional dwelling units | 1 additional unit for each local housing unit |
Additional building lots | 1 additional building lot for each lot deed restricted for local housing |
Additional height in commercial zones1 | 50' maximum height without a conditional use permit when 25% of the floor area of the development devoted to local housing units. |
Reduction in minimum lot size to the standards allowed by the next higher density residential zoning category. | 50% of the additional lots created by the bonus shall be deed restricted to local housing. |
1. Not applicable where height is restricted for health and safety purposes, as for aircraft navigation. See special provisions within the scenic route overlay, Section 3.7.032.
(Ord. 983, 12-19-2019; eff. 1-1-2020)
Seasonal Dwelling Units: Seasonal dwelling units for use by employees of businesses or institutions within the McCall Area including the city limits and McCall Impact Area are permitted subject to section 3.13.01 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW and under the following conditions:
(A) Approval of an application through the Administrative Review shall be based on the carrying capacity of the site for the addition of seasonal dwelling unit(s) and the impacts on surrounding properties considering the following factors: number of proposed units, setbacks of the units to the property lines, access and parking, visibility to the public right of way and surrounding properties, refuse disposal and ability to maintain healthy and safe living conditions.
(B) A declaration signed by the property owner and the employer filed with the city prior to occupancy of the seasonal dwelling unit stating that the seasonal dwelling unit will be used for the exclusive use of seasonal employees; stipulating the length of time the seasonal dwelling will be occupied; and declaring that the location for the seasonal dwelling unit is on property owned or managed by the employer.
(C) An inspection by the city verifying that the seasonal dwelling unit adheres to all health and safety standards and setbacks and height standards of the zoning district within which it is located.
(D) Seasonal dwelling unit(s) may occupy a parcel/lot between May 1 and October 31. (Ord. 983, 12-19-2019; eff. 1-1-2020)
(A) Purpose:
1. To ensure that site development maintains natural features of the site and is compatible with the surrounding built and natural environment.
2. To guarantee that site planning is undertaken as an integrated process inclusive of all factors influencing the development of the site and showing compliance with requirements of this title including the following:
a. Chapters 3-7 “Development Standards” for all Zones including: setbacks, lot coverage, and distance between buildings.
b. 3.7.021 “Shoreline And River Environs Zone.”
c. 3.7.031 “Scenic Route Zone.”
d. 3.8.04 “Fire Mitigation Standards.”
e. 3.8.061 “Parking, Loading And Internal Circulation Area Development Standards.”
f. 3.8.063 “Bicycle Parking.”
g. 3.8.064 “Driveways.”
h. 3.8.066 “Loading Areas.”
i. 3.8.10 “Fencing And Walls.”
j. 3.8.12 “Corner Vision.”
k. 3.8.13 “Landscaping And Buffering.”
l. 3.8.15 “Snow Storage And Drainage.”
m. 3.8.19 “Main Entrances In R4 Through R16 Zones.”
n. 3.8.20 “Special Standards For Garages.”
o. 3.8.24 “Design, Location, And Screening Of Service Areas.”
p. Chapter 14 “Outdoor Lighting.”
q. 9.7.033 “Special Subdivision And Development Standards” for cuts, fills and grading.
(B) Structures shall be located in a manner that preserves significant vegetation as set forth in section 3.8.13, as well as water courses, wildlife corridors, wetlands, and significant natural features. Projects should be designed so they complement rather than dominate the natural landscape. To meet this performance standard all structures should be located:
1. In one of three (3) locations: (a) within tree masses; (b) at the edge of tree or land masses overlooking open space; or (c) in such a way as to preserve the predominate natural features of the site; and
2. At least fifteen feet (15') from any wetland, stream or watercourse.
(C) Site design shall minimize the modification of natural drainage patterns.
1. When modifications are necessary, surface drainage systems such as swales and retention basins are preferable to underground systems.
2. Drainage designs shall avoid the concentration, runoff, and acceleration of the runoff.
3. Site design shall be executed in a way which will avoid drainage impacts such as erosion and road damage both on-site as well as downstream.
4. Drainage designs shall avoid damage to the root systems of existing trees from either trenching, grading changes or over saturation of soils around trees.
(D) Site grading shall follow the natural terrain of the land and be the minimum necessary for development of the site as determined by the Administrator and Public Works Director.
1. Slopes shall be no steeper than 3-to-1 unless qualified soils engineering information is provided as part of the application.
2. Cuts and fills shall have surface drainage that prevents off-site impacts, provides erosion control, and avoids impacts to existing and offsite trees.
3. Cut and fill slopes shall be re-vegetated and terraced or controlled by retaining walls to protect against erosion, sedimentation, and the spread or cultivation of noxious and invasive weeds.
(E) Structures shall be sited so that their form does not break prominent skyline and preserves significant views. Development located on ridgetops is prohibited.
(F) The alignment of streets and driveways shall follow the contours of the site to minimize cuts and fills, preserve natural drainage patterns, and produce roads that are easily negotiated.
(G) All utilities shall be installed underground.
1. New underground utilities shall be located outside of the dripline of existing trees if trenched or be tunneled a minimum of three (3) feet below existing grade within the tree's dripline. The guiding principle is that no tree root two inches (2") or larger shall be cut.
2. In all commercial zones, all utilities within the public right of way adjacent to the front property line shall be undergrounded or conduit installed for future undergrounding. (Ord. 998, 1-14-2021)
(A) Purpose: To minimize the visual and acoustical impacts of service area functions.
(B) On-site service areas for HVAC equipment, waste collection containers, mechanical equipment, fuel tanks, utility vaults, and other service functions shall be incorporated into the overall site design of buildings and landscaping to ensure the impacts of these facilities are fully contained and out of view from adjacent properties and public streets.
(C) On-site service areas shall be screened from public view.
1. A sight obscuring fence, landscaping, berm or other suitable screening shall be used to screen service areas where they border the side or rear yard of any property in a residential district. Such fence or screen shall be at least four feet (4') but not more than six feet (6') in height except in the street setback area, where it shall be not more than four feet (4') in height.
2. Enclosures shall be provided for waste collection containers that are visible from the public street and/or adjoining residential districts.
(D) Areas of snow accumulation shall be considered in the location of service area to ensure access to service facilities in the winter.
(E) Unless fully enclosed and baffled so that no noise is detected on any adjoining property, the location of outdoor mechanical equipment shall meet all setback requirements of the zoning district. (Ord. 998, 1-14-2021)