(A)   Drainage Management Guidelines: The city has adopted drainage management guidelines to protect water quality in both Payette Lake, the North Fork of the Payette River, and other permanent streams. Those guidelines, as amended periodically, prescribe design criteria that shall govern the sizing and configuration of drainage structures, the location of easements, and design flows.
   (B)   Snow Storage Areas: Wherever public parking, public or private streets, or other uses requiring the removal of snow are identified, the developer shall provide specific site locations protected for the storage of snow and the consequences of meltwater. If an off site location is identified, developer shall provide evidence of perpetual commitment, to be so designated on the plat, to allow the storage of snow. Snow storage areas shall be not less than thirty three percent (33%) of parking, sidewalk, and driveway areas. This area shall not be designated between any property line and setback line.
   (C)   Owner Responsibility: It shall be the duty of the owner, or the representative of the owner or owners, of each parcel or real property within the city to clear off snow, and maintain free from snow, sufficient space on such real property as is necessary to meet the off street parking requirements, pedestrian and bike paths and transit facilities, for such parcel and structures thereon, as provided in section 3.8.06 of this code.
   (D)   Parked Vehicles Impeding Snow Removal: Vehicles which are parked on any public street which impede the removal of snow from the driving surface by city crews are subject to removal and impoundment by the city.
   (E)   Construction Plan: Developers shall provide a copy of a construction plan which is prepared in accordance with EPA's NPCES general permit for stormwater discharge from construction activity for all construction activity affecting more than one acre.
   (F)   Disposal Of Snow On City Streets:
      1.   It is unlawful for any person, firm or entity to dispose of snow on any city street. It is also unlawful to push snow across or onto any street for the purpose of disposing of the snow on other properties unless owned by the same.
      2.   The phrase "dispose of snow" includes blowing, pushing, ramping, shoving or otherwise depositing snow on city streets. (Ord. 822, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)