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McCall Overview
McCall, ID Code of Ordinances
3.8.01: General Requirements
3.8.02: Prohibited Uses
3.8.03: Timber Harvest
3.8.04: Fire Hazard Mitigation Standards
3.8.05: Temporary Uses
3.8.06: Parking Provisions, Driveways And Loading Areas
3.8.061: Parking And Internal Circulation
3.8.062: Off Street Parking
3.8.063: Bicycle Parking
3.8.064: Driveways
3.8.065: Commercial Zone Special
3.8.066: Loading Areas
3.8.07: Animals
3.8.08: Antennas
3.8.09: Provision For Trash Storage, Collection And Disposal
3.8.10: Fencing And Walls
3.8.11: Accessory Use, Buildings And Structures Accessory Dwelling Units
3.8.12: Corner Vision
3.8.13: Landscaping And Buffering
3.8.14: Building Stepback Standards Adjacent To Residential Zones
3.8.15: Snow Storage And Drainage
3.8.16: Other Requirements
3.8.17: Restaurant, Formula Limitation
3.8.18: Retail, Formula Business Limitation
3.8.19: Main Entrances In R4 Through R16 Zones
3.8.20: Special Standards For Garages
3.8.21: Local Housing Density Bonus Program
3.8.22: Seasonal Dwelling Units
3.8.23: Site Design
3.8.24: Design, Location, And Screening Of Service Areas
The requirements of this chapter apply to all zones.
   (A)   Compliance Required; Nuisance Prohibited: No development shall be permitted or authorized to be established or maintained which is a nuisance or otherwise does not comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.
   (B)   Lighting: All lighting shall be located in such a manner as to prevent glare on a roadway and to minimize impact on surrounding properties. See chapter 14, "Outdoor Lighting", of this title.
   (C)   Environmental Assessment: The planning commission may require an applicant to provide an environmental assessment, to be submitted prior to the approval of any planned unit development, conditional use, or variance, subdivision and/or prior to recommending any zoning map amendment. When requiring such an assessment the precise nature of the items to be provided shall be listed by the commission.
   (D)   Protection Of Natural And Cultural Resources: The planning commission may require an applicant to provide the following to protect natural and cultural resources of McCall:
      1.   The dedication of public accessways not less than ten feet (10') in width to publicly owned land or waters; and
      2.   The preservation of all historic and archaeological sites known or discovered on the parcel subject to development.
   (E)   Pit Privies: Pit privies are prohibited, except in camps and campgrounds where constructed with a concrete liner and periodically pumped.
   (F)   Dry Cabins: Dry cabins, that is, dwellings without piped in potable water and approved sewer, are prohibited. An accessory building containing sleeping quarters, such as a children's bunkhouse, adjacent to a residence with piped in potable water and approved sewer, is not a dry cabin. If a residence to which the water service has been discontinued for nonpayment of the water bill under title VI of this code continues to be occupied more than briefly after the discontinuance of service, it shall also be considered a dry cabin. Occupancy of a dry cabin is a public health hazard, a public nuisance, and is prohibited; the violation shall be considered committed by each of the adult members of the household.
   (G)   Camping In Platted Subdivisions:
      1.   Undeveloped Lots: Camping in tents or recreational vehicles, whether self-propelled or pulled by a vehicle, is prohibited on undeveloped lots in platted subdivisions, except where camping serves as temporary housing for the owners or construction workers during construction of a building on the lot pursuant to an issued building permit. Such use is limited to sixty (60) calendar days. Usage shall meet all health requirements, including potable water, sewer services, and garbage collection service. The persons so camping shall take all necessary steps to preserve the public peace and safety of other residents in the subdivision who may be affected by the camping and associated activity.
      2.   Developed Lots: Nothing in this section shall be read to prohibit a homeowner from allowing guests to camp on the homeowner's property for up to ten (10) days out of every thirty (30) day period. Camping in excess of such ten (10) days out of thirty (30) is prohibited. A utility charge may be assessed to the homeowner equivalent to one additional dwelling unit for each month in which the ten (10) day limit is exceeded. When camping occurs, these units must be connected to the home's water, sewer and electrical systems. Each day of camping in excess of the ten (10) is a separate violation of this title.
   (H)   Outdoor Display Areas: Some areas, such as parking lots, may be used as temporary places on which to display merchandise, artwork, handicrafts, items for auction, etc.; in these cases, the organization arranging the display shall obtain a permit from the administrator.
   (I)   Maintenance During Construction: A written construction plan shall be prepared and submitted for approval by the city for all construction projects within the city or the area of city impact. See section 9.6.08 of this code. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)
   (J)   Written Construction Plan: A written construction plan shall be prepared and submitted for approval by the public works director and community development director for large projects, as determined by the administrator, or the building official for single- or two-family dwelling units; see section 9.6.08 of this code. (Ord. 864, 2-12-2009)
Any use which causes or may reasonably be expected to cause traffic congestion, excessive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, or other particulate matter, humidity, heat or glare, noxious fumes, toxic or hazardous waste, or visible refuse, at or beyond any lot line of the lot on which it is located, is prohibited. "Excessive" is defined for these purposes as a degree exceeding that generated by uses permitted in the zone in their customary manner of operation, or to a degree injurious to the public health, safety, welfare or convenience.
   (A)   Junk Storage: Outdoor storage of junk, including, without limitation, inoperable or unlicensed motor vehicles (including aircraft), used appliances, building and construction debris, and auto parts, except in wrecking yards operated under and in conformity with a conditional use permit. Operable farm machinery and other operable vehicles intended for on site use and required by the state to be licensed shall not be considered in violation of this subsection, as long as these vehicles are not stored outdoors, but are placed in storage buildings or shelters when the intended operations are completed.
   (B)   Unhealthy Or Hazardous Conditions: No use shall be permitted or authorized to be established or maintained which is or may become:
      1.   Hazardous from fire, or cause excessive traffic generation.
      2.   Noxious, or cause offensive conditions due to emission of odor, dust, smoke, cinders, gas, fumes, vibration, noise, refuse matter or water carried waste or toxic chemicals.
      3.   The cause of unhealthy conditions resulting from improper storage of materials, or impoundment of wastewater, attracting and aiding the propagation of insects or rodents.
   (C)   Impeding Safe Use Of Airport: No uses in the general vicinity of the airport are permitted which may impede, confuse, distract or otherwise encumber the safe and efficient use of the airport landing field, approach zones or other facilities.
   (D)   Prevention Of Airport Expansion: No uses shall be located in the general vicinity of the airport which may prevent expansion, according to the airport master plan, of the airport or facilities associated with the airport.
   (E)   Retail Business Developments: "Large scale retail business developments", as defined in chapter 2 of this title, are prohibited.
   (F)   CAFOs: "Confined animal feeding operations", as defined in chapter 2 of this title, are prohibited. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006)
   (G)   Building Permit Required: Until a valid building permit has been issued by the city of McCall, no construction work, including grading, blasting, filling, trenching, tree removal, etc., may be started, except as permitted in section 3.8.03 of this chapter. (Ord. 864, 2-12-2009)
   (A)   Purpose: The existing forest in the McCall area, including the city jurisdiction and the McCall area of city impact, is considered a public resource.The purpose of these requirements is to protect that public resource in fulfillment of the McCall area comprehensive plan goals and policies:
      1.   Maintain and increase McCall's urban forest as a key component of the green infrastructure network with economic and social benefits.
      2.   Achieve no net loss of tree canopy coverage and strive to increase the overall tree canopy to reduce storm runoff, absorb air pollutants, reduce noise, stabilize soil, and provide habitat.
      3.   Maintain McCall's heritage trees.
      4.   Preserve, to the extent reasonable, native vegetation consistent with ensuring wildland fire defensible space.
      5.   Strengthen incentives and requirements for tree preservation for new development.
      6.   Improve forest health through selective thinning and using best forest management practices and guidelines.
   (B)   Tree Removal Limitations:
      1.   Any tree equal to or larger than twelve inches (12") DBH (Diameter at Breast Height 54") shall require the written approval of the city arborist.
      2.   Any thinning of smaller trees in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the total stem count on the property shall require a consultation by the city arborist.
      3.   Following issuance of a building permit or written pre-building permit approval by the city arborist, tree removal is permitted within the area of the building footprint, other structures, driveways, and other improvements, and in accord with section 3.8.04, "Fire Hazard Mitigation Standards", of this chapter.
      4.   Development of the lot should endeavor to preserve standing, healthy trees outside the area occupied by improvements.
      5.   Salvage of dead, dying, or hazardous timber and removal of brush and timber for fire safety shall be allowed.
   (C)   Slash, Logging Debris: Slash, long butts, cull logs, and logging debris shall not be accumulated or piled within view of a roadway. All such debris shall either be removed to an approved location for disposal, burned (with proper permits), or converted to mulch.
   (D)   Limitations On Timber Harvest: Timber harvest is prohibited except under the following conditions:
      1.   A property owner has first obtained a conditional use permit for such harvest;
      2.   Within road rights of way, timber harvest by or under contract with the public agency having jurisdiction of the right of way.
      3.   By a developer as required for road or utility construction in connection with a subdivision having at least preliminary plat approval, as required for survey or engineering or to remove dead or dying trees with the approval of the city arborist.
      4.   On public state lands as provided in subsection (E) of this section.
   (E)   Harvesting Without Permit; Procedure: Timber harvest from state endowment lands is permitted after review and consultation with the city and without a conditional use permit as follows:
      1.   Notice of a proposed timber sale or other logging contract shall be given to the clerk by the department of lands at least sixty (60) days before the publication of invitation to bid upon the sale, or creation of contract rights in a logger, whichever first occurs; thereafter the clerk shall forward the notice and supporting materials to the planning and zoning commission, which, if it chooses to do so, may hold a public hearing on the question of the appropriate city response to the proposed state action. The commission may request additional information.
      2.   The council, upon receiving the recommendations of the commission in this regard, may, if it chooses to do so, hold a second public hearing on the question of the city response to the proposed state action. The council may request additional information. Following such consideration by the council as it deems appropriate, a statement of council's concerns and recommendations may be approved for transmittal to the department of lands.
      3.   Public notice of any such public hearing under this subsection shall be given by publication as provided in chapter 15, "Procedures, Appeals And Actions", of this title.
      4.   The department shall not enter into the timber sale or other logging contract without first implementing or otherwise responding point by point, in writing, delivered to the city manager, to the council's statement of concerns and recommendations.
      5.   Notice of a sale which is classed as a "direct sale" under present rules of the department of lands, that is, one hundred thousand (100,000) or fewer board feet, by negotiated sale for ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) or less, and respecting certain trees the market value of which would be lost in the event of any appreciable delay, shall be timely if furnished to the clerk fifteen (15) or more days before the signing of a contract for such sale; and the clerk shall bring the matter directly to the attention of council at its next meeting. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006; amd. Ord. 998, 1-14-2021)
   (A)   Purpose: To ensure that the potential for wildland fire is adequately evaluated and measures are incorporated in the design of new development to prevent and reduce exposure of lives and property to wildfires.
   (B)   Applicability: All development in residential and AF zones; or any lands determined by the McCall fire protection district to have a high risk for wildland fires.
   (C)   The assessment of the potential and severity of a fire hazard shall consider:
      1.   The site topography, boundaries, location and orientation;
      2.   The terrain and amount and type of vegetation cover;
      3.   Accessibility for emergency vehicles; and
      4.   Fire history.
   (D)   Site design shall consider the potential fire hazard in location of structures on the site, the use of fire wise landscaping, site access, and the man-made features that create defensible space between structures and fire fuel.
   (E)   Requirements in areas of fire hazard:
      1.   A thirty foot (30') wide zone shall be created around all dwellings; that provides space for fire suppression equipment in case of emergency.
      2.   Within that thirty foot (30') zone: a) grasses shall be kept at or below six inches (6") in height; b) shrubs and trees are thinned to a minimum spacing of ten feet (10') or more; c) conifers sixteen feet (16') and over in height are limbed up from the ground to a height of eight feet (8') and no more than one- half (½) the total crown height; d) dead and down wood is removed; and e) no tree shall be permitted to overhang a chimney.
   (F)   Maintenance:
      1.   In any development with common area and open space, the association, or the owner in the absence of an association, shall remove dead and downed woody materials less than six inches (6") in diameter, dead or dying standing trees, and slash from the common area and open space at the time of development and periodically thereafter.
      2.   All slash will be removed, converted to mulch, or burned within twelve (12) months of its creation.
      3.   In subdivisions where there are vacant lots, it is the responsibility of the landowner to properly mitigate any hazard. Hazards which are noticed by the City, County, or the fire district to the landowner but not properly mitigated will be removed or alleviated by the City or County at the expense of the landowner.
      4.   Where a hazard described in subsection(F)3 of this section is not mitigated by the property owner, and a fire results, the City or the County depending on the property location is not liable for damage that results. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006; amd. Ord. 998, 1-14-2021)
   (A)   Temporary Storage Facilities:
      1.   No owner shall maintain a temporary storage facility, as defined in section 3.2.02 of this title, upon any property in the planning jurisdiction for a period of time in excess of twenty four (24) days during any sixty (60) day period, unless within such twenty four (24) days such facility is brought into compliance with all standards of the relevant zone, including, without limitation, setbacks for structures, and parking requirements (whether or not such facility otherwise meets the definition of “structure”). No such facility shall be used in lieu of usable interior working space of a commercial, business park or industrial land use for more than eighteen (18) months during construction of a permanent building. (Ord. 885, 3-24-2011)
      2.   A temporary storage facility shall not be installed so as to occupy required parking.
      3.   This section shall, as should the balance of the title, be given construction in accord with its evident purposes. For purposes of determining twenty four (24) days, for example, the interruption of the storage use of the facility shall not be considered an interruption of the twenty four (24) day period unless accompanied by removal of the facility from the property, nor shall the period be deemed interrupted by the moving of the facility from one location on the property to another location on the property or adjacent properties of the owner.
   (B)   Temporary Food Vendors:
      1.   No drive-up or drive-through service shall be permitted.
      2.   Temporary food vendors shall not utilize public-right-of way except for the following:
         a.   2nd Street between East Lake Street and East Park Street.
         b.   Parking spaces adjacent to pedestrian bulb-outs not marked as disabled parking on East Lake Street between North 3rd Street and Pine Street.
         c.   Lenora Street between 1st Street and North 3rd Street.
         d.   East Park Street between 1st Street and North 3rd Street.
      3.   Temporary food vendors may operate on streets within residential zones, but are not permitted to be stationary for greater than ten (10) minutes while not actively engaged in a sales transaction.
   (C)   Temporary Merchandise Vendors:
      1.   All temporary merchandise vendors which remain in one location for more than seven (7) consecutive days shall be subject to design review.
   (D)   Temporary Vendor Courts:
      1.   All temporary vendor courts shall be subject to design review.
      2.   Temporary vendor courts located within the Scenic Route Overlay Zone shall be subject to the following additional design requirements:
         a.   No temporary freestanding signage
         b.   Landscaping or screening may be required at the discretion of the Administrator.
      3.   Permanent free standing signage is permitted in conformance with Chapter 9 of this title.
   (E)   Temporary uses associated with permitted Public Events in accordance with Chapter 8, Title IV of McCall City Code do not need any additional permitting. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006; amd. Ord. 1009, 10-6-2022)
   (A)   Parking And Loading Spaces Required: No building or structure shall be erected, nor any residential use changed to commercial, business park or industrial use, unless maintained off street parking and loading spaces have been provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Even where the new use involves no additions or enlargements, there shall be provided as many such spaces as may be required by this chapter.
   (B)   Altered Or Enlarged Building, Compliance With Current Provisions: No building or structure shall be substantially altered, added to or enlarged, or its use changed permanently unless there is provided as many such spaces as may be required by this title with respect to the square footage as to which alteration, addition, enlargement, or change of use has occurred.
   (C)   Surfacing Requirements: Parking and/or storage of otherwise legal and licensed vehicles of any kind, except upon properly surfaced and approved driveways or parking aprons, is prohibited. Parking of such vehicles on lawns, patios, garden area, or naturally wooded terrain is expressly forbidden at any time, except in an emergency such as fire, flood, earthquake, etc., or to facilitate approved construction work.
   (D)   Location Of Parking Spaces: The following regulations shall govern the location of off street parking spaces and areas:
      1.   Parking spaces for all detached residential uses shall be located on the same lot as the use which they are intended to serve.
      2.   Parking spaces for commercial, business park, or institutional uses shall be located not more than three hundred feet (300') from the principal use and shall be located behind or beside the use, except in the CBD, where parking spaces shall be located not more than one thousand feet (1,000') from the principal use and shall be located behind or beside the use.
      3.   Parking spaces for apartments, condominiums or similar residential uses shall be located not more than two hundred feet (200') from the principal use on the same developed property.
      4.   In all zones, if a new single-family residential structure is built without a garage, space shall be provided for the lawful addition of future covered parking.
      5.   No parking lot pavement edge for a commercial or industrial use may be located closer than five feet (5') from the right-of- way of a public street unless approved by the Public Works Director. (Ord. 973, 11-29-2018, eff. 1-1-2019)
   (E)   Maintenance: The owner of property used for parking and/or loading shall maintain such area in good condition without holes and free of all dust, trash and other debris.
   (F)   Disabled Vehicles: The parking of a disabled vehicle within a residential or commercial zone for a period of more than two (2) weeks shall be prohibited, unless such vehicle is stored in an enclosed garage or other accessory building.
   (G)   Uses Not Listed: Parking spaces for other permitted or conditional uses not listed in this section shall be determined by the commission.
   (H)   Fractional Numbers: Fractional numbers shall be decreased to the whole number.
   (I)   Reduction Of Requirements: Where there is an adequate public transit system, or where, for any other reason parking demand is unusually low, such as where uses with differing operating hours or needs share parking under a formal, written agreement to which the City is a party, then the parking space provisions cited herein may be reduced proportionately by the commission. If the owner, whose parking facility is under such an agreement which requires the facility to be available to the patrons of the other use(s), fails or refuses to make such parking available in accordance with the agreement, such failure or refusal is a violation of this title.
   (J)   Alternative Proposals: Where special conditions exist which make compliance with these standards impractical, the commission will consider alternative proposals presented according to the procedures and standards for a variance.
   (K)   Off Street Loading Spaces: Required off street loading space is not to be included as off street parking space in computation of required off street parking spaces. All off street loading spaces shall be located outside of any right-of-way or a street or alley.
   (L)   Snow Removal, Storage: Where snow removal and storage may pose a problem to traffic circulation or reduce the amount of adequate parking for winter business, the developer of the property shall designate a snow storage area and remove snow as necessary to maintain minimum traffic circulation and parking.
   (M)   Authority To Make Adjustments: Adjustments to required parking may be authorized by the commission based upon evidence of actual parking demand for the proposed use.
   (N)   Multiple Uses: Required parking facilities for two (2) or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may be satisfied by the same parking facilities used jointly, to the extent that the owners or operators show that the need for parking facilities does not materially overlap (e.g., uses primarily of a daytime versus nighttime nature; weekday uses versus weekend uses), and provided that the right of joint use is evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, contract, or similar written instrument establishing the joint use. The City may approve owner requests for shared parking through land use review.
   (O)   Varying Uses: If more than one type of land use occupies a single structure or parcel of land, the total requirements for off street automobile parking shall be the sum of the requirements for all uses, unless it can be shown that the peak parking demands are actually less (i.e., the uses operate on different days or at different times of the day). The City may reduce the total parking required accordingly through land use review.
   (P)   Residential Driveways: For residential driveways, see section 9.6.03 of this Code. (Ord. 907, 1-24-2013)
   (A)   Purpose: To minimize the visual impacts of off-street parking and loading areas, to discourage large expanses of pavement, and to reduce the conflicts between different circulation needs, especially pedestrians.
   (B)   Location:
      1.   On-site parking shall be located so that it does not dominate the streetscape and views from surrounding properties.
      2.   When parking lots occur on sloping terrain, the parking lots shall be stepped to follow the terrain rather than allowing the lot surface to extend above natural grade.
      3.   In the CC, CBD, NC,BP and CV Zones, multi-family residential uses in any zone, and conditional use permits for new uses in residential zones, all on-site parking shall be located on the side or behind the structure facing the primary street.
   (C)   Landscaping And Screening:
      1.   Parking lot landscaping shall meet the objectives of reducing the visual and noise impacts from vehicles, softening the expanse of hard surface areas, reinforcing circulation, and providing stormwater benefits.
      2.   For parking lots over fifty thousand square feet (50,000 sf) in size, a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the site shall be in interior parking lot landscaping. Public art, decorative paving, kiosks, green infrastructure or parking lot configurations that break-up the expanse of pavement may be substituted for interior landscaping.
      3.   Landscaped areas shall be consolidated to enhance tree and plant material growing conditions that reflect the natural growing patterns of the native landscape, and to provide locations for snow storage, natural drainage, light fixtures and other utilities.
      4.   Landscape materials shall consist of native trees, vegetation, including grasses, hardy shrubs, or evergreen ground cover, and maintained in good condition. (See City of McCall publication, "Native and Suitable Plants".)
      5.   Where parking areas adjoin or face any residential property, the parking lot shall be effectively screened by an acceptably designed wall, fence, hedge berm or planting screen.
         a.   Fence or wall screens shall be not less than four feet (4') or more than six feet (6') in height except in street setback areas where it shall not exceed four feet (4').
         b.   Planting screens shall not be less than four feet (4') in height.
         c.   In the event that terrain or other natural features are such that the erection of such fence, wall or planting screen will not serve the intended purpose, then with the approval of the Administrator, in writing, no such fence, wall or planting screen and landscaping shall be required.
         d.   The use of chain link fencing in any residential zone, CBD and CC zones is prohibited. In all other zones, approval by the Administrator is required.
   (D)   Parking Access:
      1.   Access driveways for parking areas or loading spaces shall be located in such a way that any vehicle entering or leaving such area shall be clearly visible by a pedestrian or motorist approaching the access or driveway from a public or private street.
      2.   Any parking area (except approved residential driveways) shall be designed in such a manner that any vehicle leaving or entering the parking area from or onto a public or private street shall be traveling in a forward motion.
      3.   Parking design that uses the street frontage as the access for an individual parking stall is prohibited.
   (E)   Surfacing:
      1.   In the CC, CBD, NC, BP, I, AP and CV Zones, parking and loading spaces and driveways shall have an improved surface including asphalt, concrete, paving stones, grasscrete pavers bricks, or in the I Zone, other material that does not generate significant dust or other particulate matter in the air during ordinary use by wheeled equipment/vehicles.
         a.   Any parking or loading area that is found to generate significant dust shall be required to mitigate by resurfacing and/or implementing a dust abatement program that is approved by the City Engineer.
         b.   All parking or loading spaces or driveways accessing a public/private roadway shall include a formal approach apron consisting of asphalt, concrete, paving stones, or bricks. The apron shall extend entirely from the property/right-of-way line and connect to the adjoining roadway and shall not be less than fifteen feet (15') in length.
      2.   In the AF, RR, RE, R1, R4, R8, and R16 Zones, and residential uses in any zone, parking and loading spaces may use other materials (such as gravel) that provide a stable driving surface under all weather and moisture conditions and during ordinary use by wheeled vehicles which prevents the raising of road dust or other like particulate matter into the air.
   (F)   Internal Circulation: The design of internal circulation shall be integrated with the overall site design and adjacent properties, including the location of structures, pedestrian walkways and landscaping.
      1.   Pedestrian circulation shall be clearly identifiable using continuous sidewalks, separated walkways within parking areas and well-designed pedestrian crossings.
      2.   Driveways, aisles and turnaround areas shall meet the standards for fire and refuse access.
      3.   Bus pullouts may be required when a development is adjacent to an existing or planned bus stop.
   (G)   Drainage: All parking and loading areas shall provide for proper drainage of surface water so as to prevent the drainage of such water onto adjacent properties or walkways.
   (H)   Lighting: Any lights used to illuminate a parking lot shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining property. See chapter 14, "Outdoor Lighting", of this title. (Ord. 923, 5-22-2014; amd. Ord. 973, 11-29-2018, eff. 1-1-2019; Ord. 998, 1-14-2021)