(A)   Purpose: To ensure that the potential for wildland fire is adequately evaluated and measures are incorporated in the design of new development to prevent and reduce exposure of lives and property to wildfires.
   (B)   Applicability: All development in residential and AF zones; or any lands determined by the McCall fire protection district to have a high risk for wildland fires.
   (C)   The assessment of the potential and severity of a fire hazard shall consider:
      1.   The site topography, boundaries, location and orientation;
      2.   The terrain and amount and type of vegetation cover;
      3.   Accessibility for emergency vehicles; and
      4.   Fire history.
   (D)   Site design shall consider the potential fire hazard in location of structures on the site, the use of fire wise landscaping, site access, and the man-made features that create defensible space between structures and fire fuel.
   (E)   Requirements in areas of fire hazard:
      1.   A thirty foot (30') wide zone shall be created around all dwellings; that provides space for fire suppression equipment in case of emergency.
      2.   Within that thirty foot (30') zone: a) grasses shall be kept at or below six inches (6") in height; b) shrubs and trees are thinned to a minimum spacing of ten feet (10') or more; c) conifers sixteen feet (16') and over in height are limbed up from the ground to a height of eight feet (8') and no more than one- half (½) the total crown height; d) dead and down wood is removed; and e) no tree shall be permitted to overhang a chimney.
   (F)   Maintenance:
      1.   In any development with common area and open space, the association, or the owner in the absence of an association, shall remove dead and downed woody materials less than six inches (6") in diameter, dead or dying standing trees, and slash from the common area and open space at the time of development and periodically thereafter.
      2.   All slash will be removed, converted to mulch, or burned within twelve (12) months of its creation.
      3.   In subdivisions where there are vacant lots, it is the responsibility of the landowner to properly mitigate any hazard. Hazards which are noticed by the City, County, or the fire district to the landowner but not properly mitigated will be removed or alleviated by the City or County at the expense of the landowner.
      4.   Where a hazard described in subsection(F)3 of this section is not mitigated by the property owner, and a fire results, the City or the County depending on the property location is not liable for damage that results. (Ord. 821, 2-23-2006, eff. 3-16-2006; amd. Ord. 998, 1-14-2021)