Seasonal Dwelling Units: Seasonal dwelling units for use by employees of businesses or institutions within the McCall Area including the city limits and McCall Impact Area are permitted subject to section 3.13.01 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW and under the following conditions:
   (A)   Approval of an application through the Administrative Review shall be based on the carrying capacity of the site for the addition of seasonal dwelling unit(s) and the impacts on surrounding properties considering the following factors: number of proposed units, setbacks of the units to the property lines, access and parking, visibility to the public right of way and surrounding properties, refuse disposal and ability to maintain healthy and safe living conditions.
   (B)   A declaration signed by the property owner and the employer filed with the city prior to occupancy of the seasonal dwelling unit stating that the seasonal dwelling unit will be used for the exclusive use of seasonal employees; stipulating the length of time the seasonal dwelling will be occupied; and declaring that the location for the seasonal dwelling unit is on property owned or managed by the employer.
   (C)   An inspection by the city verifying that the seasonal dwelling unit adheres to all health and safety standards and setbacks and height standards of the zoning district within which it is located.
   (D)   Seasonal dwelling unit(s) may occupy a parcel/lot between May 1 and October 31. (Ord. 983, 12-19-2019; eff. 1-1-2020)