(A)   Purpose: The purpose of the Local Housing Density Bonus Program is to implement the goals of the 2018 McCall Area Comprehensive Plan:
      1.   Promote a variety of quality housing types for current and future residents.
      2.   Support a local housing program as part of the vision for a diverse and year-round economy.
      3.   Support multi-faceted strategies to address local housing opportunities.
   (B)   Applicability: The density bonus may be applied in any residential or commercial district.
   (C)   General Provisions: Review and approval of a density bonus and the general provisions set forth below shall be determined through the required permit process as set forth in section 3.13.01. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed units/lots comply with the criteria for local housing as set forth in City Council adopted policies.
      1.   Local housing units in a development shall be mixed with, and not clustered together or segregated in any way from, market-rate units.
      2.   All development on the property, including the portion proposed for local housing, shall meet all the provisions of section 3.3.03 RESIDENTIAL ZONE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; 3.3.04 RESIDENTIAL ZONE LOT WIDTH VERSUS SIDE YARD SETBACK; 3.3.041 SNOW SHEDDING ROOF SETBACK; and 3.3.05 RESIDENTIAL ZONE LOT COVERAGE OF IMPROVEMENTS.
      3.   The location of parking spaces as set forth in section 3.8.06(D) and the number of parking spaces required as set forth in Table 3.8.062 VEHIICLE PARKING may be modified for local housing units pursuant to 3.8.06(I) REDUCTION OF REQUIREMENTS.
      4.   The local housing unit(s) provided as part of the density bonus shall be made available concurrent with the availability of the market rate units and recorded as a deed restricted local housing unit or lot.
   (D)   Calculation of the Density Bonus:
      1.   In the residential zones, density bonuses include additional dwelling units, additional building lots and reduction in minimum lot size above what is entitled in the base zone.
      2.   In the Community Commercial (CC) and Central Business District (CBD) zones, density bonus includes additional height above what is entitled in the zone.
      3.   The calculation of the density bonus is as shown in Table 3.8.21.
      4.   Only one incentive may be applied to any one project.
TABLE 3.8.21:
Density Bonus
Additional dwelling units
1 additional unit for each local housing unit
Additional building lots
1 additional building lot for each lot deed restricted for local housing
Additional height in commercial zones1
50' maximum height without a conditional use permit when 25% of the floor area of the development devoted to local housing units.
Reduction in minimum lot size to the standards allowed by the next higher density residential zoning category.
50% of the additional lots created by the bonus shall be deed restricted to local housing.
1.   Not applicable where height is restricted for health and safety purposes, as for aircraft navigation. See special provisions within the scenic route overlay, Section 3.7.032.
(Ord. 983, 12-19-2019; eff. 1-1-2020)