The Fallen Timbers Overlay District, which may be referred to as the FT-O, is hereby created as an overlay district for certain lands in the vicinity of, or adjacent to, the Fallen Timbers National Battlefield, which lands are described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Jerome Road and the City line, thence south along the centerline of Jerome Road to its intersection with the northwest right-of-way line of U.S. Route 24; thence southwesterly along the northwest right-of-way line of U.S. Route 24 to its intersection with the centerline of Stitt Road (also being the City line); thence westerly along the centerline of Stitt Road and the City line to its intersection with the centerline of Black Road (Ethel Lane) and the City line; thence following the City line northwesterly along the centerline of Black Road and north, west, and north to the intersection of the City line with the City line along the northwesterly line of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad; thence northeasterly along the City line and the northwesterly right-of-way line of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad to its intersection with the north line of Section 9, Town 1, United States Reserve; thence east along the City line, the north line of Section 9 and the north line of River Tract 30, Town 1, United States Reserve to its intersection with the centerline of Jerome Road at the point of beginning.
The FT-O District shall be shown on the zoning map as an overlay so that the underlying zoning district will remain legible. (Ord. 012-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)
(a) The purpose of the FT-O Overlay District is to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare by providing regulation for the development of properties in the vicinity of or adjacent to the Fallen Timbers Battle site in the City of Maumee. The FT-O Overlay District area is intended to protect this area of special and substantial public interest because of the location of a national battlefield, the site of the Battle of Fallen Timbers. This battlefield is a historic, environmental, recreational, economic, and cultural resource of national significance. As a National Park System Affiliate, this area will include the Battle site, a visitor's center, natural areas, and recreational trails. It is the general purpose and intent of these regulations to balance private property rights and interests with the need to protect the Battlefield as a historical and cultural attraction. It is also intended that this Overlay District will balance ratios of retail and non-retail uses to minimize adverse fiscal hardships and consequences to the City with respect to the public costs and benefits related to providing public services and facilities.
(b) Within the FT-O Overlay District, supplemental buffering requirements are defined to eliminate or minimize negative environmental impact, to improve transportation coordination and capability, and to balance recreational, commercial, and industrial land uses, while respecting the rights of property owners to make beneficial use of their properties.
(Ord. 012-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)
The FT-O District has the effect of modifying the requirements, regulations, permitted uses, and procedures applying in the underlying C-M Zoning District after the FT-O designation is overlaid, pursuant to the following regulations in this chapter.
(Ord. 012-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)
All applications proposing additions to the FT-O Overlay District are applications for amendment to the Zoning Map and shall be considered in accordance with the procedures for rezoning. Designation of acreage to be added to the FT-O Overlay District must also meet the following requirements:
(a) The application for the imposition of an FT-O Overlay District must be signed by all owners of real estate in the area proposed for the addition to the FT-O Overlay District.
(b) The acreage proposed for addition to the FT-O Overlay District must be acreage within the City of Maumee which falls within the following boundaries:
(1) Black Road on the west;
(2) Anthony Wayne Trail on the south;
(3) Norfolk and Southern railroad track on the north; and
(4) North Jerome Road on the east.
(c) Upon approval of an FT-O Overlay District application, the District Map shall be amended to designate the acreage as a FT-O Overlay District.
(Ord. 012-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)
A multiple-family dwelling constructed in the Fallen Timbers Overlay district must meet the same requirements as a multiple-family dwelling unit constructed in an R-4 zoning district including all requirements for multiple-family dwellings contained in Chapters 1135, 1136, 1141, and 1145. Building and site design, materials and landscaping must be compatible with surrounding structures and area and shall be approved at the discretion of the City Administrator and/or Zoning Administrator. Multiple-family dwellings must be part of a large development consisting of multiple buildings, building designs, exterior materials, uses, and must be on lots greater than two (2) acres in size and a minimum density for any multi-family development may be imposed at the discretion of the City Administrator. One single-story building may be permitted per development to accommodate a multi-use clubhouse facility. All other buildings shall be a minimum of three (3) stories; however, at the sole discretion of the Zoning Administrator (or designee) some two-story buildings may be permitted. In making the determination to allow for two-story buildings the Zoning Administrator shall take into consideration the architectural features, streetscape, and how the development will blend with the general environment of the FT-O Overlay District. Finished ceiling height must be a minimum of ten (10) feet on the first floor and nine (9) foot in each story above the first. The City Administrator shall have the sole discretion to allow for shorter celling heights and in making his determination shall take into consideration the overall development and its' impact on the FT-O Overlay District area. The preference is for compatible office or commercial use of the first floor of at least one structure along the primary street with residential above the first floor. Dwellings may be on the first floor but first floor construction must allow for easy conversion to accommodate the occupancy of other C-M permitted uses. Any first floor occupancy other than residential must be compatible with the residential use of the building and shall be approved at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator (or designee). (Ord. 012-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)
A buffer zone shall be established along the full length of the western side of the North Jerome Road right-of-way, from the north boundary of the FT-O Overlay District to the south boundary of the FT-O Overlay District, and shall apply to any future expansion of the FT-O Overlay District made pursuant to Section 1127.21. This buffer zone shall be not less than thirty-five (35) feet in depth, measured from the west right-of-way line of North Jerome Road to a point parallel with such west right-of-way line. This buffer zone will remain undeveloped, except for undulating earth mounding with natural landscaping treatments consisting of a variety of trees, shrubs, other plant material, or decorative natural treatments. Slopes of the undulating mound shall not exceed one foot of height to three feet of horizontal distance, and shall achieve a height of not less than three (3) feet above the grade of North Jerome Road. No part of this buffer zone may be used for any of the following purposes:
(a) Vehicular Driveway or curb cut;
(b) Parking area (except those servicing park and recreational use of the area);
(c) Signage;
(d) Exterior lighting which exceeds six (6) feet in height;
(e) Dumpsters or Dumpster enclosures;
(f) Outside storage.
(Ord. 012-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)