(a) No contractor, owner or other person shall make any external changes to any property within a Design Review Overlay District unless the Design Review Board has previously issued a valid, written, Certificate of Appropriateness. Application for such Certificate shall be in addition to any required application for a Zoning Certificate or Zoning Certificate of Compliance under the applicable provisions of this Zoning Code.
(b) Applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be filed with the Building and Zoning Inspector together with all applicable plans, designs, elevations, specifications and documents relating thereto.
In addition to the information required to be made a part of an application, or required by the rules established by the Building and Zoning Inspector from time to time, there shall be attached to the application provided for in Section 1127.05 (Standards and Guidelines for Areas Zoned as a Design Review Overlay District) hereof:
(a) The required number of complete sets of maps and drawings as designated by the Building and Zoning Inspector, if appropriate, to indicate the following information as applicable:
(1) The location of all structures on the subject property and all adjoining properties.
(2) Landscaping and/or fencing of yards and setback areas, use of landscaping and/or walls or fencing for screening purposes.
(3) Off-street parking and loading facilities.
(4) Drawings or sketches of the exterior and elevations, and/or perspective drawings of the structures under consideration.
(5) Description of proposed building materials and/or color scheme.
(6) Site plan approval.
(7) Approval of any required variances or other zoning issues.
(b) When a property owner applies for a permit to demolish a structure within a designated Design Review Overlay District, evidence shall be submitted to the Building and Zoning Inspector by the applicant, in addition to that required as above, that one or more of the following conditions prevail:
(1) That the structure proposed for demolition is not inherently consistent, in regard to those characteristics designated above, with other structures within its designated Design Review Overlay District.
(2) That the structure contains no features of special architectural and historic significance.
(3) That there exists no reasonable economic use for the structure as it exists or as it might be restored, and that there exists no feasible and prudent alternative to demolition, or that deterioration has progressed to the point where it is not economically feasible to restore the structure.
(c) If the Building and Zoning Inspector finds that application for demolition does not meet the above criteria, the application for permit shall be denied.
Before referring any matter to the Design Review Board, the Building and Zoning Inspector shall first determine if the proposed structure or addition thereto meets the requirements of all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code.
(a) Required Preliminary Reviews. When variances, site plan review or any other zoning issues are required, such approvals shall be obtained from the appropriate board or commission prior to referral to the Design Review Board.
(b) Determination Application Complete. The Building and Zoning Inspector shall promptly determine if an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness is a complete submittal. Only applications that are deemed to be a complete submittal may be filed and acted upon. If all information required to accompany the application is not provided, the Building and Zoning Inspector shall promptly notify the applicant that the application may not be filed and formally considered, and of the additional items that must be submitted.
(c) If the use or construction is in accordance with all other provisions of this Zoning Code, the Building and Zoning Inspector shall refer the application and associated materials required by this section to the Design Review Board. The application shall be accompanied by a written statement signed by the Building and Zoning Inspector attesting to compliance with all other requirements of this Zoning Code.
For all matters involving the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness, the Design Review Board shall conduct an adjudicative hearing in accordance with Section 1105.09 (Adjudicative Hearing Requirements). After the hearing, the Design Review Board shall take one of the following actions:
(a) Approve the application.
(b) Deny the application.
(c) Approve the application subject to special modification that will ensure the project meets the standards for review. No application shall be denied or modified unless a majority of all members appointed to the Board vote to reject or modify the application.
(d) If an application is approved without modifications, the Design Review Board shall so notify the Building and Zoning Inspector, who will then issue a permit.
(e) If an application is denied, the specific basis for such disapproval shall be provided in a written statement, along with recommendations on changes to design, arrangement, texture, material, and color of the exterior features and interior arrangement of the structure, as the Design Review Board deemed appropriate.
(f) If the applicant accepts the modifications of the Design Review Board, a revised application shall be filed with the Building and Zoning Inspector, whereupon a permit shall be issued.
The purpose of the Planned Unit Development Overlay District (PUD) is to achieve land development that is responsive to the natural and environmental assets and liabilities of a given site. The PUD provides an alternative overlay zoning category that is intended to encourage imaginative design of development. The PUD shall be a well-integrated development in terms of major design elements such as roads, drainage systems, utilities, and open space. The PUD allows greater design flexibility so that natural features may be protected and development concentrated in an innovative and efficient manner.