After approval of a Preliminary Development Plan application by Council (if submitted), a final application shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for its review and recommendation to Council. Concurrently with PUD Final Development Plan approval, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for Preliminary Plat approval in accordance with the requirements of the Maumee Subdivision Regulations.
(a) Final Development Plan Submission Requirements. A complete submittal of the Final Development Plan shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer or architect on 24 x 36 drawing sheets drawn to a scale of one (1) inch equals twenty (20) feet for sites less than one (1) acre, one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet for sites of one (1) acre to forty (40) acres, or one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet for sites greater than 40 acres. Submissions shall include all elements of a Site Plan, pursuant to Section 1135.05 (Submission Requirements). In addition, such a submission shall include:
(1) The required number of copies of the proposed Final Development Plan to the Building and Zoning Inspector along with the required application fee.
(2) A complete application for preliminary plat approval as set forth in Section 1169.02 (Preliminary Plats) to include any requirements of applicable Subdivision Regulations.
(3) All organizational documents, covenants, deed restrictions, and maintenance agreements to be imposed upon the use of common areas and open space.
(4) Articles of Incorporation and bylaws of organizations charged with maintenance responsibilities.
(5) A Final Plan drawing that illustrates:
(A) Common open space.
(B) Landscaping plan for all buffers and other common areas, meeting the requirements of Chapter 1145 (Minimum Landscape Requirements).
(C) Architectural guidelines to apply throughout the development.
(D) A description of the expected timing of the development.
(6) In addition to the above, additional information may be required, including environmental impact studies and archaeological surveys prepared by appropriate professionals to document the impacts of the development and to address potential mitigation measures.
(b) Final Development Plan Review Procedure.
(1) Required Preliminary Reviews. When design review is required, approval shall be obtained from the appropriate board prior to PUD Final Development Plan review.
(2) Determination Application Complete. On the date the Building and Zoning Inspector has determined that the application is a complete submittal, the application shall be stamped as a complete submittal and may be filed with the Municipal Clerk by the applicant within sixty (60) calendar days. If the application is not determined to be a complete submittal, the Building and Zoning Inspector shall promptly notify the applicant of the items needed.
(3) Hearing. An adjudicative hearing in accordance with Section 1105.08 (Adjudicative Hearing) shall be held by the Planning Commission to consider a Final Development Plan and notification requirements for such public hearing shall be provided accordingly.
(4) Plat Approval and Staged Development. If a Final Development Plan involves a Plat, the Building and Zoning Inspector shall not issue a Zoning Certificate until a Final Plat has been recorded for the entire PUD, or the associated phase or stage thereof.
(A) Undeveloped phases or stages of a PUD shall remain under single ownership and shall not be leased or sold, without prior approval from the Planning Commission.
(B) If Final Development Plan approval is requested in stages, then, Final Development Plan application for approval of any or all of the remaining stages specified in the preliminary development plan must be filed within one (1) year of the approval of the previous stages.
(5) Final Development Plan Review Criteria. The Planning Commission and City Council shall review the proposed Final Development Plan according to the criteria defined in Section 1127.15 (Development Standards). Further, approval of the final development plan must include the determination that the exception(s) from standard district requirements are warranted by design and other amenities incorporated in the Final Development Plan.
(6) Action by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall recommend to Council, approval, approval subject to conditions, or disapproval of the Final Development Plan application based upon the conformity of the Final Development Plan with the Preliminary Development Plan (if submitted) as approved by Council, based upon the sufficiency and accuracy of the required exhibits, and the requirements and purpose of this chapter.
(7) Action by City Council. Council shall review the recommendations of the Planning Commission and shall approve, approve subject to conditions or deny the final application. Approval of a final development plan shall expire after twelve (12) months unless a final plat is recorded.
(A) Maintenance of Public Records. The original tracings, exhibits and documents shall be certified by the Municipal Clerk and retained as public records by the City.
(B) Bond. A maintenance bond shall be provided prior to final approval for the proper maintenance of the landscaping and other outside facilities such as walks, drives, parking lots and utilities.