A buffer zone shall be established along the full length of the western side of the North Jerome Road right-of-way, from the north boundary of the FT-O Overlay District to the south boundary of the FT-O Overlay District, and shall apply to any future expansion of the FT-O Overlay District made pursuant to Section 1127.21. This buffer zone shall be not less than thirty-five (35) feet in depth, measured from the west right-of-way line of North Jerome Road to a point parallel with such west right-of-way line. This buffer zone will remain undeveloped, except for undulating earth mounding with natural landscaping treatments consisting of a variety of trees, shrubs, other plant material, or decorative natural treatments. Slopes of the undulating mound shall not exceed one foot of height to three feet of horizontal distance, and shall achieve a height of not less than three (3) feet above the grade of North Jerome Road. No part of this buffer zone may be used for any of the following purposes:
     (a)    Vehicular Driveway or curb cut;
   (b)    Parking area (except those servicing park and recreational use of the area);
   (c)    Signage;
   (d)    Exterior lighting which exceeds six (6) feet in height;
   (e)    Dumpsters or Dumpster enclosures;
   (f)    Outside storage.
      (Ord. 012-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)