1127.01 Overlay districts.
1127.02 Design Review Overlay Districts.
1127.03 Designation of a Design Review Overlay District.
1127.04 Amendments to the underlying districts.
1127.05 Standards and guidelines for areas zoned as a Design Review Overlay District.
1127.06 Applications for a certificate of appropriateness.
1127.07 Information required for certificate of appropriateness.
1127.08 Consideration by Building and Zoning Inspector.
1127.09 Action on application.
1127.10 Planned Unit Development Overlay District.
1127.11 PUD Overlay District designation.
1127.12 Permitted uses.
1127.13 PUD development standards.
1127.14 Combined preliminary and final development plans.
1127.15 Preliminary development plan.
1127.16 Final development plan.
1127.17 Amendments (changes) to approved PUD.
1127.18 Creation of Fallen Timbers Overlay District.
1127.19 Purpose and intent.
1127.20 Effect of district.
1127.21 FT-O Overlay District additions.
1127.22 Permitted uses.
1127.23 Conditional uses.
1127.24 Multi-family uses.
1127.25 Jerome Road Buffer Zone.
1127.26 Designated Woodlands.
1127.27 Amendments.
In addition to the Zoning Districts established in Chapter 1125, three overlay zoning districts are established and include a Design Review Overlay District, a Planned Unit Development Overlay District, and the Fallen Timbers Overlay District.
The purpose of this district is to protect unique areas in the City of Maumee by defining architectural standards and design review mechanism. Unless specifically modified by the overlay zone the requirements of the underlying zoning district are maintained along with the additional requirements of the overlay zone. Overlay districts allow modifications and impose further restrictions to maintain the character and/or architectural integrity of important sites, districts, or structures within the City. This section also establishes the procedures by which sites and structures within the overlay zone shall be reviewed.
In order for a site, structure or district to be zoned as a Design Review Overlay District, the Design Review Board shall first recommend to Council, the site, structure or district be designated as a Design Review District. The boundaries of the overlay district shall be shown on the District Map, and, in addition to regulations established in the underlying zoning district, all regulations set forth in this section shall also apply. Design Review Districts shall apply to both historic areas of Maumee and to more contemporary corridors and neighborhoods where urban design considerations are deemed to be particularly important and worthy of additional standards and review.
The establishment of a Design Review Overlay District shall not in any way prohibit a qualified applicant from seeking a change in the underlying zoning district, in accordance with procedures for amendments as described in this Zoning Code. However, a change in the underlying zoning district shall not affect the ability of the City of Maumee or its representatives to enforce the provisions of the overlay district as described in this section, regardless of the underlying zoning district.