133.01   Administrative Assistant
133.02   Personnel Director
133.021   Public Information Officer
133.022   Receptionist
133.023   Human Resources Technician
133.024   Information Technology Manager
133.025   Information Technology Technician
133.026   Government Relations
133.03   Ohio cooperative purchasing
133.04   ODOT cooperative purchasing
133.05   City Manager purchasing authority
133.06   Purchase of supplies, materials and labor by reverse auction on the internet
133.07   Joint purchasing programs
133.08   Payment of fees and items collected on behalf of other governments and organizations
Charter reference:
   Acting Manager, see Charter § 5.03
   Appointment and removal, see Charter § 5.01
   City Manager may serve as head of other Departments, see Charter § 6.13
   Conflict of interest, see Charter § 11.06, § 525.10
   Head of Inspection and Engineering Department, see Charter § 6.09
   Head of Personnel Department, see Charter § 6.11
   Head of Planning Department, see Charter § 6.06
   Head of Service Department, see Charter § 6.07
   Heads of other Departments appointed by City Manager, see Charter § 6.13
   Powers and duties, see Charter § 5.04
   Qualifications, see Charter § 5.02
   Conflict of interest, see § 525.10
   Purchase authority and certificate of fiscal officer, see § 137.14