General Provisions
   154.001   Purpose of regulations
   154.002   Objectives of regulations
   154.003   Relationship to comprehensive plan and other development ordinances
   154.004   Subdivision control
   154.005   Interpretation, conflict and severability
   154.006   Subdivision required
   154.007   Suitability of land for subdivision
   154.015   General
   154.016   Definitions
   154.025   Submission phases - major subdivision
   154.026   Fee schedule
   154.027   Duties and responsibilities
   154.028   Zoning
   154.029   Lot and block standards
   154.030   Subdivider to provide improvements in accordance with certain requirements
   154.031   Submission deadlines
   154.032   Development agreement
   154.033   Informal discussion phase
   154.034   Area general plan phase
   154.035   Area general plan approval
   154.036   Preliminary plat phase
   154.037   Preliminary plat requirements
   154.038   Preliminary plat approval
   154.039   Final plat phase
   154.040   Final plat approval
   154.041   Recording subdivision documents
   154.042   Construction plans and specifications
   154.043   Construction of improvements
   154.044   Time period for construction
   154.045   Approval of constructed improvements
   154.046   Acceptance of improvements by other governmental entity
   154.047   Subdivision improvement bonds
   154.048   Minor and rural residential subdivisions
   154.049   Certificate of exemption
   154.050   Agricultural subdivision
   154.051   Re-subdividing and replatting recorded lots and for vacation of plats
   154.052   Planned unit developments
   154.053   Mobile home parks
   154.054   Subdivisions within special flood hazard areas
   154.055   Access
   154.056   Easements
   154.057   Waivers and deferrals
   154.058   Administrative rules
   154.059   Infrastructure design manual
   154.060   Reimbursement for improvements benefitting areas outside of subdivision pursuant to annexation or development agreement
   154.061   Inter-agency cooperation
   154.062   Parks, school sites and other public areas
   154.063   Stormwater facility maintenance
   154.064   Traffic impact analyses (TIAs)
   154.065   Electronic drafting file standards
Infrastructure Design
   154.080   Location, geometry and design of streets
   154.081   Storm drainage system
   154.082   Sanitary sewer system
   154.083   Water distribution system
   154.084   Sidewalks and pathways
   154.085   Electrical and utility service
   154.086   Right-of-way lighting
   154.087   Erosion control
   154.088   Traffic control
   154.089   On-site wastewater disposal systems
Validity, Violations, Enforcement, Amendment
   154.115   Validity
   154.116   Violations
   154.117   Administrative fine
   154.118   Stop work order
   154.119   Penalty
   154.120   Amendment
   154.121   Unconstitutionality
   154.122   Saving clause
   154.123   Applicability