(A)   When all the above requirements have been satisfied, the Village Planner will present the final plat to the Plan and Zoning Commission at the next regular meeting. The subdivider or a responsible representative shall attend this meeting. Village staff shall submit a written report to the Plan and Zoning Commission which shall include:
      (1)   The subdivider’s requests for waivers, and the justification provided therefor;
      (2)   Background information;
      (3)   Comments and recommendations of village staff;
      (4)   Comments of outside agencies, and other interested parties.
      (5)   A general recommendation, including appropriate conditions to any waiver request.
      (6)   A copy of the application including attachments thereto.
   (B)   Procedures for review and approval. The Plan and Zoning Commission shall examine the final plat and all supporting documents for compliance with these regulations with special attention given to the following:
      (1)   Design standards and information requirements as set forth by these regulations.
      (2)   Streets and thoroughfares as related to neighborhood circulation and existing and proposed topography.
      (3)   Existing and proposed zoning and land use.
      (4)   Utility methods and systems, drainage and street improvements.
      (5)   Water courses and floodplain areas.
      (6)   The existence of threatened or endangered species of plants or animals.
      (7)   The existence of archaeological or historic resources.
   (C)   Plan and Zoning Commission action. The Plan and Zoning Commission will make a recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees within 60 days of the submittal of a complete application for the final plat. Such time may be extended by consent of the subdivider. The Plan and Zoning Commission may request additional information from the subdivider if necessary to evaluate the Plat or waiver requests. The Plan and Zoning Commission shall either:
      (1)   Recommend disapproval of the final plat;
      (2)   Recommend approval of the final plat;
      (3)   Recommend approval of the final plat, subject to minor modifications.
   (D)   If the Mahomet Plan and Zoning Commission recommends disapproval of the final plat, the reason for the disapproval shall be clearly set forth and communicated to the subdivider. Further, the review certificate on the final plat shall be executed to indicate disapproval by the Plan and Zoning Commission.
   (E)   If the Village of Mahomet Plan and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the final plat, it shall be so indicated on the original of the final plat and the approval certificate shall be executed at that time. The Village Planner shall then present the final plat to the Village Board of Trustees and inform them of the Plan and Zoning Commission’s recommendation. At the same Village Board of Trustees meeting, the Village Engineer shall present the construction plans and specifications for the subdivision for consideration, if such review has not previously occurred.
   (F)   If the Plan and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the final plat subject to minor modifications, the subdivider may make the required changes to the final plat within 21 days or such additional time as granted by the Village Planner and resubmit the revised documents. Village staff shall review the revised final plat to confirm that all required modifications have been made. Upon completion of the required modifications, the approval certificate on the original Final Plat shall be executed indicating approval by the Plan and Zoning Commission. If the subdivider does not make the required modifications within 21 days (or such other additional time as allowed), the final plat shall be considered recommended for disapproval by the Plan and Zoning Commission and the review certificate on the final plat shall be executed to indicate a recommendation for disapproval by the Plan and Zoning Commission.
   (G)   Board of Trustees action. Within 21 days of the Plan and Zoning Commission’s recommendation, the Village Planner shall transmit the final plat and supporting materials to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration at their next regularly scheduled meeting. The Board of Trustees shall accept or reject the final plat within 30 days thereafter. However, failure to accept or reject the plat shall not operate as approval of the plat. Only final plats which have been specifically approved by specific action of the Board of Trustees shall be approved and eligible for recording.
   (H)   The Village Board of Trustees shall not give final approval to any proposed subdivision until:
      (1)   The Plan and Zoning Commission has recommended the approval or disapproval of the final plat;
      (2)   The Village Engineer has recommended approval or disapproval of the subdivision improvement construction plans and specifications (if any);
      (3)   The subdivider presents his or her performance guarantee in the amount and in a form in accordance with these regulations and as approved by the Village Attorney.
      (4)   All statutorily required approvals by other governmental agencies have been received.
      (5)   All subsidiary and supporting documents have been submitted in satisfactory form.
   (I)   The Village Board of Trustees, after receiving recommendations from the Plan and Zoning Commission and village staff shall then consider the Final Plat of the proposed subdivision. At that time, the Village Board of Trustees shall approve or disapprove the final plat, and shall clearly state their reasons for their actions.
   (J)   In the event the Village Board of Trustees disapproves the final plat, the subdivider shall have 90 days from the date of such disapproval to make the corrections and resubmit to the Village Board of Trustees; otherwise the prior recommendation for approval of the Plan and Zoning Commission and/or the approval of the Construction Plans by the Village Engineer shall become null and void.
(Ord. 15-12-01, passed 12-15-2015)