(A)   Where possible, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street right-of-way lines or radial on curved street right-of-way lines. Lots with frontage on two parallel streets shall be avoided except where one street is an arterial street with no direct access to the lot.
   (B)   All lots shall be provided with a public street frontage of not less than 30 feet.
   (C)   Lot dimensions and area shall not be less than the requirements set forth in the applicable zoning ordinance. In subdivisions not provided with public sanitary sewer and/or public water supply the minimum lot area shall be increased to not less than 0.95 acre to account for the installation of an on-site water supply well and/or an on-site wastewater treatment system.
   (D)   Blocks shall not be less than 400 feet nor more than 1,000 feet in length except as the Plan and Zoning Commission considers necessary to secure efficient use of land or desired features in street pattern.
   (E)   In blocks 600 feet or more in length, the Plan and Zoning Commission may require a mid-block public crosswalk between the lots for pedestrian travel to extend entirely across the block at the location deemed necessary. The crosswalk shall be constructed of Portland Cement concrete in conformance with the standards for sidewalks. The concrete shall be a minimum of five feet in width, and the crosswalk shall be located on a minimum ten foot wide commons area.
   (F)   Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two tiers of lots, except where fronting on arterial streets or prevented by topographical conditions or size of the property, in which case the Village Engineer and Village Planner may approve a single tier of lots.
   (G)   Land that is underwater or reserved for street improvements shall not be counted to satisfy the minimum lot size requirements. Every corner and through lot shall be large enough to permit compliance with the zoning district’s front setback requirements on every side of the lot that faces a street. All lot remnants shall be added to adjacent lots to avoid the creation of unbuildable parcels. All lots shall contain adequate space for required off-street parking and loading.
(Ord. 15-12-01, passed 12-15-2015)