Collection of Garbage
50.01 Definitions
50.02 Garbage disposal
50.03 Garbage collectors
Collector Licensing Regulations
50.15 Requirements for license
50.16 Applications
50.17 License fee
50.18 Beds of vehicles
50.19 Ashes and non-noxious matter
50.20 Delinquent customers
50.21 Revocation of license
50.22 Number of licenses
50.23 Assignment of licenses
Landscape Waste Programs
50.35 Purpose
50.36 Definitions
50.37 General restrictions
50.38 Leaf collection program
50.39 Brush and tree limb collection program
50.40 Administration and enforcement
Removal of Refuse, Garbage and Debris from Private Property
50.50 Definitions
50.51 Unlawful accumulation declared a nuisance
50.52 Removal; notice
50.53 Abatement
50.54 Lien
50.99 Penalty
Fine schedule, see § 35.01