§ 32.20 FIRE CHIEF.
   (A)   The Mayor shall appoint a Fire Chief who shall serve during the term of the Mayor. The Fire Chief shall be compensated in accordance with the applicable salary ordinance, and shall have administrative and operational control over the Fire Department, the command staff and all officers and members of fire companies under contract with the city.
   (B)   The Fire Chief shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with all city fire and safety ordinances and applicable state and federal statutes and regulations, and shall ensure that fire companies and personnel comply with contracts and with directives of the Board of Public Works and Safety.
(‘66 Code, § 35.05(A)) (Ord. passed 4-28-05; Am. Ord. 2017-6, passed 7-5-17)
   Enforcement authority for Fire Prevention Code, see §§ 92.20 et seq.