Chap. 701. General Licensing Provisions.
Chap. 705. Community Antenna Television Systems.
Chap. 707. Cable Television Rates.
Chap. 709. Entertainments and Shows.
Chap. 713. Dog Kennels.
Chap. 717. Fortunetelling.
Chap. 719. Massage Establishment.
Chap. 721. Oil and Gas Drilling.
Chap. 725. Plumbers.
Chap. 729. Public Dances.
Chap. 733. Taxicabs.
Chap. 737. Vendors and Solicitors.
Chap. 739. Food Trucks.
701.01 Definitions.
701.02 Licenses required.
701.03 Registration generally.
701.04 Application; requirements; issuance; date and duration.
701.05 Display; transferability; revocation; suspension.
701.06 Fees.
701.07 Exceptions.
701.08 Appeal.
701.99 Penalty.
Power to license and regulate businesses - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 715
Sewer tapping - see S.U. & P.S. 939.01
Words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Contractor" means any person or entity that contracts or is employed to perform any work within the City that requires a permit. The person or entity obtaining the permit may be the owner, occupant or resident agent of the premises or contractor. "Contractor" does not include a person who is an employee of the person or entity obtaining the permit.
(b) "General contractor" means a contractor as defined in subsection (a) hereof, who contracts with the owner, occupant or resident agent of the premises.
(c) "Subcontractor" means a contractor who contracts with a general contractor or other subcontractor, but who does not contract directly with the owner, occupant or resident agent.
(d) For the purposes of this chapter, "contractor" shall include both general contractors and subcontractors.
(e) For the purposes of this chapter "Certificate of Contractor Registration," "license," and "license to engage in the trades or professions" shall have the same meaning. (Ord. 15-48. Passed 12-21-15.)
No person shall engage in any of the trades, businesses or professions for which licenses are required by Part Seven - Business Regulation Code, or by any other ordinance or provision of this Code without first applying for and obtaining a license from the City Manager, assignee of the City Manager, or other duly authorized issuing authority.
(Ord. 15-48. Passed 12-21-15.)