Chap. 701. General Licensing Provisions.
Chap. 705. Community Antenna Television Systems.
Chap. 707. Cable Television Rates.
Chap. 709. Entertainments and Shows.
Chap. 713. Dog Kennels.
Chap. 717. Fortunetelling.
Chap. 719. Massage Establishment.
Chap. 721. Oil and Gas Drilling.
Chap. 725. Plumbers.
Chap. 729. Public Dances.
Chap. 733. Taxicabs.
Chap. 737. Vendors and Solicitors.
Chap. 739. Food Trucks.
701.01 Definitions.
701.02 Licenses required.
701.03 Registration generally.
701.04 Application; requirements; issuance; date and duration.
701.05 Display; transferability; revocation; suspension.
701.06 Fees.
701.07 Exceptions.
701.08 Appeal.
701.99 Penalty.
Power to license and regulate businesses - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 715
Sewer tapping - see S.U. & P.S. 939.01