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   (a)   Definitions. As used in this section:
   1.   “SECONDHAND BOOK DEALER” means a person engaging in, conducting, managing or carrying on the business of buying, selling, exchanging or otherwise dealing in secondhand books and magazines, secondhand text books or secondhand educational materials.
   2.   “SECONDHAND TEXT BOOKS” or “SECONDHAND EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS” means those text books or other materials required or designated by any university, college, school, or other educational institution to be used or which were used by students in studying the courses offered by said institutions. Such text books or other materials voluntarily used by said students in conjunction with those books required or designated by said institutions are included.
   (b)   Permit Required. No person shall engage in, conduct, manage, or carry on the business of secondhand book dealer without a written permit from the Board.
   (c)   Change of Location. A change of location may be endorsed on a permit by the Board upon written application by the permittee accompanied by the change of location fee prescribed in Section 103.12.
   (d)   Bills of Sale. Every secondhand book dealer buying, selling or exchanging or otherwise dealing in secondhand books, secondhand text books or secondhand educational materials or exchanging new text books or new educational materials for secondhand text books or secondhand educational materials, as whole or part payment therefor, shall immediately upon receiving the same, require the seller or other person from whom said secondhand text books or materials are bought, or received in exchange, to execute a bill of sale therefor. Said bills of sale shall be numbered consecutively and shall be kept on file and open during business hours to the inspection of any police officer or representative of the Board.
   (e)   Contents of Bill of Sale. Said bill of sale shall show:
   1.   Date. The date of purchase or receiving in exchange;
   2.   Name of Seller. The name and address of the person selling or exchanging such articles and the name of the educational institution said person is attending or in which the person is registered;
   3.   Name of Institution. The name of the educational institution, if any, requiring or designating the use of such textbooks or materials, including the date of the term or semester during which the same were used;
   4.   Name of Purchaser. The name and address of the purchaser or person receiving said secondhand books, secondhand text books or materials, said name and address coinciding with those showing upon the permit issued by the Board and held by said person;
   5.   Description. A description of the secondhand books, secondhand text books or materials purchased by the purchaser or person receiving said books or materials sufficient in all respect to clearly identify the same.
   (f)   Right to Sell. A secondhand book dealer who purchases or receives in exchange secondhand books, secondhand text books or other secondhand educational materials shall, prior to making such purchase or exchange, ascertain that the person selling or delivering for exchange any such secondhand books or materials has a legal right to do so.
   (g)   Identification of Books. The secondhand book dealer shall immediately upon purchasing or receiving in exchange any such secondhand books or materials stamp, write, print or otherwise permanently affix to each article so purchased or received the number of the bill of sale covering said articles.
   (h)   Signs. Secondhand book dealers shall maintain on the premises where said business is located a sign plainly printed in the English language of sufficient size so that the same may be easy to read from the sidewalk in front of said place of business. Such sign shall state the business in which such person is engaged. If said business is located in an office building the sign shall be placed on the door of said office. If the business is located in a department of any building, the sign shall be placed at the entrance to said department.
   (i)   Exemptions. This section shall not apply to the receipt or sale of secondhand books, secondhand text books or secondhand educational materials by any person who receives or purchases such books or materials from any other person when such other person has made required reports as fixed by rule or regulation of the Board and shall have held the said books or materials for the length of time therein required.