103.02 Permit Required.
103.02.1 Permit Applications.
103.03 Public Hearings.
103.04 False Statements.
103.05 Overlapping Business.
103.06 Permits – Duration.
103.06.1 Permits – Renewal.
103.06.2 Temporary Permits.
103.07 Permits – Annual Fee.
103.08 Permits Non-Transferable.
103.09 Permit for Each Location.
103.10 Change of Location.
103.11 Additional Locations.
(Amended by Ord. No. 177,412, Eff. 5/1/06.)
(a) Written Application Requirements. The owner of a business shall file an application for a permit with the Office of Finance. The application shall be in writing on forms provided, and shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in Section 103.12. The applicant shall provide all the information and documents requested on the application form, including fingerprints according to Department of Justice guidelines. In addition to the fee set forth in Section 103.12, each set of required fingerprints shall be accompanied by a fingerprint processing fee, which shall be equal to the fee charged by the State of California to the City of Los Angeles to process the fingerprints. Applications shall be signed under penalty of perjury by the applicant.
(b) Changes to Applicant Information. Any change to the applicant information that occurs while the application is pending shall be reported in writing within seven calendar days to the Board.
(c) Application Information to be Maintained Confidential. All information compiled pursuant to this section shall be held and maintained by the City as confidential, with the exception of the name of the applicant(s), business name, business address, and any other information that appears on the face of the permit.
(d) Duty to Submit Complete Application; Determination of Completeness. Upon submission of an application for a permit to be issued by the Board, the Office of Finance shall accept the application and indicate on the application the date and time the application was filed. If the Board determines that an application for a permit is not complete, the application shall be returned to the applicant without any further action of the Board. Incomplete applications for permits under Sections 103.102 and 103.109 shall be returned to the applicant within ten business days of the date the application was filed with the Office of Finance; all other incomplete applications shall be returned to the applicant within 30 business days of the date the application was filed with the Office of Finance. The returned application shall be accompanied by a written statement specifying all the reasons for its return. The applicant shall have 30 calendar days to submit additional information to render the application complete. Failure to do so within the 30 day period shall cause the application to be denied. If an amended application or supplemental information is submitted within the 30 day period, the Board shall again determine whether the application is complete in accordance with the procedures above.
The Board may require a public hearing prior to taking action on an application for a permit or a renewal thereof. The Board may require an applicant to cause to be published a notice of public hearing two times at intervals of not less than five days within the 21-day period following the filing of an application in a newspaper of general circulation in the district where the business is to be located or conducted. Furthermore the Board may give notice, by mail, as prescribed by the Board to all property owners within three hundred feet of the proposed business.
The Board shall cause to be posted a suitable public notice at the location where the business is to be conducted. The applicant shall bear all expense involved in mailing, printing, publishing and posting such notice. (Amended by Ord. No. 137,649, Eff. 1/6/69.)
(a) Notice – Contents. Such public notices shall conform to rules and regulations adopted by the Board and shall be designed to inform the public as to the nature of the business to be engaged in its location, the name or names of the applicant or applicants, the time of the public hearing and the right of persons objecting to be heard. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,317, Eff. 6/2/67.)
(b) Protests by Interested Persons. Any interested person may file written protests or objections any time before or at the hearing on such application, The Board shall give consideration to all such protests in reaching a decision on such application. (Amended by Ord. No. 134,317, Eff. 6/2/67.)