(Added by Ord. No. 174,610, Eff. 7/7/02.)
(a) Guaranteed Express Permit Program (GEP). The Department shall offer a walk-in Express Permit customer a money-back guarantee if:
(1) the customer waits longer than 30 minutes for service to begin; or
(2) the customer waits longer than 60 minutes for the processing of the permit from the time that service begins.
(b) Guaranteed Express Permit (GEP) Program Guidelines. If a customer waits longer than the time limits stated in LAMC Section 98.0109(a), and the wait can be verified by the Department through the use of electronic equipment, then the Department shall waive the permit fee. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(c) Program Limitations. The GEP applies only to those permits issued at the Express Permit Counter. The Department may add or delete certain permit types from the list of Express Permits at its discretion. GEP does not apply to E-Permits and is limited to one permit per person, per permit application. GEP does not apply to those permits requiring clearance or review by other agencies. The GEP program shall be suspended during power failures, computer system failures, or during times of emergency including, but not limited to, fire, earthquake, or other human-made or natural disaster.
(a) General. The Superintendent may, from time to time, promulgate rules and regulations, not in conflict with this Code, governing the duties, capabilities, and conduct of licensees. Any person violating such rules and regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
(b) Publishing of Rules and Regulations. All such rules and regulations shall be published once in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the City of Los Angeles, and shall take effect upon publication, in accordance with applicable regulations.
(c) Revocation, Suspension or Limitation. The Superintendent of Building may, upon the Superintendent’s own initiative, or upon the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the action of any licensee, and may temporarily suspend, for a period not exceeding one year, or revoke the licensee’s license for any one or more of the acts or omissions constituting grounds for disciplinary action provided by LAMC Section 98.0202. The procedure on suspension or revocation shall comply with Chapter IX of the LAMC. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(d) Hearing Available. In any action to suspend, revoke, limit, or refuse the renewal of any license, a hearing by the Board shall be available to the licensee as set forth and in the manner specifically provided for in Article 8, Chapter IX of the LAMC. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(e) New Application After Denial or Revocation. When any license is revoked for cause, no new or other application for a similar license from the same applicant shall be accepted within one year after such revocation. When an application for renewal of a license is denied for cause, no new or other application shall be accepted within one year after denial unless the applicant can show a material change in the applicant’s situation which would justify the issuance.
(f) Special Renewal Provisions for Service in Armed Forces. Whenever, under Chapter IX of the LAMC, a person who previously held a license applies for a renewal thereof and shows to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Building that the person’s failure to renew such license within the time provided herein resulted from the person’s induction or entrance into the armed forces of the United States or of any allied nation, and that the application for renewal is made within six months after the person’s honorable discharge from the service, the person’s application shall be deemed an application for renewal and the renewal fee only shall be charged therefor. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(g) Lapse or Suspension – Jurisdiction of the Department. The lapse or suspension of a license by operation of law, or the voluntary surrender of such, shall not deprive the Department of jurisdiction to proceed with any investigation of, or disciplinary proceedings against, the licensee, or to render a decision denying, suspending or revoking the licensee’s license. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
(h) Prior Acts No Bar to Department Action. The Department may take disciplinary action against a licensee as provided in Article 8, Chapter IX of the LAMC even though the grounds for disciplinary action arose prior to the granting of the license. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(a) Causes of Revocation, Suspension or Limitation. The Department may revoke, limit, suspend or refuse to issue or renew any license, for any of the following: (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
1. Failure to timely pay the fees as set forth in the particular article of this Code regulating the work, act, trade, or profession for which such license was issued.
2. Falsification of any record, fact or information required by this Code or any rule or regulation of the Department in granting any license to any person, whether such person is the licensee or not. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
3. Withholding of any record, fact or information required by this Code or by rule or regulation of the Department in granting any license to any person, whether such person is the licensee or not. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,149, Eff. 11/30/69.)
4. Incompetence in performance of any of the duties, tasks, skills or functions for which the license has been issued.
5. Inability to properly perform any of the duties, tasks, skills, or functions for which the license has been issued.
6. If any reason exists which would have been cause for denial of such license.
7. Failure to maintain any of the equipment, conditions, personnel, or provisions precedent to the issuance of any license.
8. Failure to carry out any of the conditions or provisions precedent to the issuance or maintenance of any license.
9. Violation of any provision of this Code in doing any act or work authorized to be done by such license.
10. Willful, gross, or negligent failure to observe violations of this Code when such observation is the duty of the licensee.
11. Willful, gross, or negligent failure to report violations of this Code, when such report is the duty of the licensee.
12. Willful complicity in any act designed to circumvent or violate any provisions of this Code or of any rule or regulation of the Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
13. Willful omission or misrepresentation of any material fact in an application for any permit required for any work or act regulated by this Code.
14. Conspiring to secure for another, by misrepresentation, fraud, or deceit, any license required by this Code.
15. Permitting any person to use such license to perform any act of work of the kind authorized by such license for the purpose of avoiding compliance with any provision of this Code or of any Department rule or regulation. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
16. Willful or gross disregard of this Code or Department rules or regulations governing the act, trade, occupation, profession, process, installation of work for which the license is granted. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
17. Gross neglect or duty or insobriety.
18. Absence while work is in progress, which work requires the attendance, act, or supervision of the licensee.
19. Misrepresentation in any contract or agreement to perform any act or work authorized to be done by such license.
20. Publishing, uttering or disseminating any false, deceptive or misleading statements or advertisements in connection with any work, service or act authorized to be done under any license granted by the Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
21. Willfully failing to comply with any reasonable terms of any contract made as a part of the exercise of the permitted trade, work, or profession.
22. For any reason set forth elsewhere in this Code governing the work, act, trade, or profession for which the license is issued.
23. Failure to timely make any required report to the Superintendent. (Amended by Ord. No. 139,419, Eff. 11/30/69.)
98.0301 Purpose.
98.0302 General Provisions.
98.0303 Accusation re Suspension or Revocation of Licenses or Permits.
98.0304 Notice of Defense to Accusation.
98.0305 Notice of Hearing on Accusation.
98.0306 Amendment of Accusation after Submission.
98.0307 Subpoenas.
98.0308 Evidence.
98.0309 Official Notices.
98.0310 Method of Decision in Contested Cases.
98.0311 Defaults and Uncontested Cases.
98.0312 Reconsideration.