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   The Board is hereby authorized and directed to issue to each and every regular Police Officer of this City a numbered identification card which shall bear the printed name, serial number, signature, photograph and right index fingerprint of each such Regular Police Officer. Each such card shall bear the signature of the Chief of Police, or the Chief’s duly appointed deputy, in office at the time of issuance of such identification card. Each identification card shall state thereon that the holder thereof is a police officer of this City.
   Neither the Board, the Chief of Police nor any other person shall issue a Police Identification Card as provided for in this Section to any person other than a Regular Police Officer. An honorably retired police officer shall return their identification card to the Department and a new card which has the preprinted word “RETIRED” across the face of the card will be issued to the officer, provided however that possession of such card shall be a privilege only, and the card shall be surrendered to the Chief of Police upon demand. In any event, the Department shall issue to honorably retired police officers identification certificates which carry endorsement and other requirements set forth in Penal Code Section 12027(a) and the Department shall implement any review by said Penal Code section. (Amended by Ord. No. 161,876, Eff. 1/23/87.)