(a) “DANCE HALL” shall mean any place where the business of holding or conducting public dances is regularly carried on provided that nothing in this section contained shall be deemed or construed to require the holder of a registration certificate to conduct the business of a public dance hall to procure any additional registration certificate to conduct a dancing academy, provided that such dancing academy is conducted at the same location and under the same management as the public dance hall.
(b) (Amended by Ord. No. 166,204, Eff. 10/11/90, Oper. 1/1/91.) For every person engaged in the business of conducting any public dance hall, the tax shall be:
For 1,000 square feet or less of dance floor area in such dance hall, $133.05 per quarter;
Over 1,000 square feet and not more than 2,000 square feet, $254.90 per quarter;
Over 2,000 square feet and not more than 3,000 square feet, $365.75 per quarter;
Over 3,000 square feet and not more than 4,000 square feet, $465.60 per quarter;
Over 4,000 square feet and not more than 5,000 square feet, $554.30 per quarter;
Over 5,000 square feet and not more than 6,000 square feet, $631.80 per quarter;
Over 6,000 square feet and not more than 7,000 square feet, $698.35 per quarter;
Over 7,000 square feet and not more than 8,000 square feet, $753.85 per quarter;
Over 8,000 square feet and not more than 9,000 square feet, $798.20 per quarter;
Over 9,000 square feet and not more than 10,000 square feet, $831.35 per quarter;
Over 10,000 square feet and not more than 11, 000 square feet, $853.55 per quarter;
Over 11,000 square feet, $853.55 per quarter, plus $11.00 per quarter for each additional 1,000 square feet or fractional part thereof.
(Amended by Ord. No. 166,204, Eff. 10/11/90, Oper. 1/1/91.)
For every person conducting or staging any public dance, whether for profit or not, to which the public at large is admitted or in which the public at large is allowed to participate, the tax shall be $177.38 per day.
(Amended by Ord. No. 174,241, Eff. 11/3/01, Oper. 1/1/01.)
(a) For every person engaged in the business of conducting or operating a ferris wheel, scenic railway, or any ride by boat or car for the amusement of the public, any merry-go-round, swing or similar device, the tax shall be $443.44 per year or fractional part thereof.
(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the holder of a registration certificate issued in connection with the conduct of an amusement park under other sections of this article.
(c) No tax shall be required for any person conducting or operating a ride at any carnival, fair, festival or like activity of a temporary nature conducted or operated by a California Agricultural District. (Amended by Ord. No. 178,101, Eff. 1/9/07.)