Neither the adoption of this ordinance which provides authority for the collection of the State’s Enterprise Zone Tax Credit Voucher Application Fee, nor any action by any representative of the City in carrying out this ordinance shall constitute City approval of or ratification of the State’s law.
(Added by Ord. No. 186,337, Eff. 11/27/19.)
The Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD) shall have the authority to utilize all unencumbered Enterprise Zone Hiring Tax Credit Voucher fees, previously collected pursuant to this Article, for economic development activities which are consistent with its mission.
22.00 Permits – Board of Police Commissioners.
22.01 Permit Requirements Limited to Original Permits.
22.02 Power to Revoke and Suspend Permits or Certificates – Procedure.
22.03 Board to Notify Permittee.
22.05 Suspended or Revoked Permits – Permittee Not to Engage in Business.
22.06 Misstatement in Application – Grounds for Revocation.
22.11 Licenses – Veteran’s Exemptions.
22.11.1 Veterans’ Exemptions – Subterfuge Prohibited.
22.12 Refunds – Tax, License and Permit Fees in Excess of $5,000.
22.13 Refunds of Tax, License, Permit or Application Fees by Heads of Departments.
(a) Definition. For the purposes of this chapter, “Board” shall mean the Board of Police Commissioners unless otherwise specifically provided.
(b) Applications. Notwithstanding any provision of this Code to the contrary, every person desiring to conduct, manage, carry on or engage in any business for which a permit is required from the Board under this Code, shall file the application for such permit with the Director of Finance upon forms provided. Applications for change of location, change of ownership, additional locations, or for special officer commission shall be filed with the Director of Finance. Upon receipt of the application for a permit or applications for change of location, change of ownership, additional locations or for special police officer commissions, the Director of Finance shall send such applications to the Board. (Amended by Ord. No. 137,438, Eff. 11/7/68.)
(c) Permit Fees. Notwithstanding any provision of this Code to the contrary, all fees for permits from the Board, annual police permit fees, change of location fees, change of ownership fees and special fees for additional locations shall be collected by the Director of Finance. Upon receipt of said fees provided by this Code, the Director of Finance shall deposit such fees with the City Treasurer. (Amended by Ord. No. 137,438, Eff. 11/7/68.)
All provisions of this Code and of any other ordinance of this city which provide that no person shall conduct, carry on, or engage in any business, profession, trade or occupation or do or allow to be done any act, without first obtaining a permit from the Board so to do, shall be deemed to apply only to those cases wherein original permits are sought. In cases involving revocation or suspension proceedings before the Board, the permittee may, upon paying the annual police permit fee, continue the activity authorized by their permits pending action of the Board upon such proceedings. (Amended by Ord. No. 137,438, Eff. 11/7/68.)