For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
“Approved” shall mean “Approved by the City Engineer of the City of Los Angeles,” unless otherwise specified.
“Board” shall mean the Area Planning Commission. (Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.)
“Building site” shall mean any parcel of land which conforms to the definition of a lot as defined herein.
“City” (Deleted by Ord. No. 173,106, Eff. 3/5/00.)
“Council” (Deleted by Ord. No. 173,106, Eff. 3/5/00.)
“Commission” (Deleted by Ord. No. 173,106, Eff. 3/5/00.)
“Director” (Deleted by Ord. No. 173,106, Eff. 3/5/00.)
“Highway, Major – Any street designated as a major highway on the Highways and Freeways maps of the Transportation Element of the General Plan. (Added by Ord. No. 172,840, Eff. 11/4/99.)
Highway, Secondary – Any street designated as a secondary highway on the Highways and Freeways maps of the Transportation Element of the General Plan. (Added by Ord. No. 172,840, Eff. 11/4/99.)
“Local street” shall mean a street providing access to abutting property and serving local, as distinguished from through traffic.
“Lot” shall mean a parcel of land conforming to the definition of LOT contained in Section 12.03 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 128,289, Eff. 10/15/64.)
“Major Highway” (Deleted by Ord. No. 172,840, Eff. 11/4/99.)
“Person” shall mean natural person, joint venture, joint stock company, partnership, association, club, company, corporation, business trust, organization or the manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer or employee of any of them.
“Private road easement” See Div. 13C.1. (Administration Definitions) of Chapter 1A
of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
“Private street” See Div. 13C.1. (Administration Definitions) of Chapter 1A
of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
“Secondary Highway” (Deleted by Ord. No. 172,840, Eff. 11/4/99.)
“Shall” and “may”. “Shall” is mandatory. “May” is permissive.
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
See Sec. 13B.7.7. (Private Street Map) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
The provisions of this article shall not be construed as authorizing the subdivision of land without fully complying with the provisions contained and set forth in Article 7 of this chapter. However, the provisions of this article may be complied with by complying with the provisions of Article 7 of this chapter relating to subdivisions without the necessity for filing a Private Street Map in addition to the subdivision maps required by said article. (Amended by Ord. No. 122,064, Eff. 6/14/62.)
All private streets, lots or building sites shall conform to the following regulations:
A. Major and Secondary Highways. (Amended by Ord. No. 172,840, Eff. 11/4/99.) The location, widths and alignment of all private streets shall conform to the location, widths and alignment of all major and secondary highways designated on the Highways and Freeways maps of the Transportation Element of the General Plan; and to any proceedings for any public improvement; and to any “subdivision map” which has been tentatively approved.
B. Local Street Alignment – All private streets as far as practical shall be in alignment with existing public or private streets and their proper projections or prolongations provided that where the property being divided into lots or building sites is large enough a modified curve street layout may be permitted;
C. Private Street Width – All private streets shall be designed to conform with private street standards adopted by the Commission as provided in Section 17.05 of the Code; (Amended by Ord. No. 122,064, Eff. 6/14/62.)
D. Street Grades – On hillside or mountain streets comprising a through route, a grade in excess of six percent (6%) shall not be permitted unless a grade not to exceed eight percent (8%) will obviate an excessive curvature or eliminate excessive cuts. Grades of all streets shall be as low as possible consistent with the advantageous development of the proposed platting and division of land;
The grade of any street of more than local traffic needs shall not exceed ten percent (10%). No local street grade shall exceed fifteen percent (15%);
E. Curves And Tangents – A minimum center line radius of at least seventy-five (75) feet shall be used on winding mountain streets, a minimum center line radius of at least five hundred (500) feet shall be used on all through traffic streets. In flat areas, curves on local streets shall have radii as long as possible consistent with local conditions. The tangent distance between reversed curves shall not be less than fifty (50) feet;
F. Intersections – Private street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as practicable;
G. Effect on Adjoining Property – Private street layout shall be designed to provide access to and not impose undue hardship upon property adjoining the proposed division of lands;
H. Cul-De-Sacs (Dead-End Streets) – Cul-de- sacs shall be permitted only where through streets are not practical, or where good neighborhood design suggests their use. Adequate provisions for turning shall be made at the end of each such cul-de-sacs by providing a circle or other area within a minimum over all radius of 42 feet. In the case of unusual topographic conditions, a “T” or “Y” turn may be permitted. The legs of the “T” or “Y” turn shall have a minimum paved surface 12 feet in width and 20 feet in length, the minimum radius between each leg and the street shall be 20 feet.
I. Rounding Block Corner – At all block corners, the property line shall be rounded or cut back. Intersection corners on the private street prolongation of major and secondary highways shall be rounded with 20’ radius curves and all other corners shall be rounded with 15’ radius curves provided that where business development is indicated a diagonal cut-off substantially equivalent to rounding may be used in order to aid building construction, in which case at right angle intersections a substantial equivalent shall be a ten-foot by ten-foot cutoff.
J. Improvements, Drainage And Sewage –
1. All private streets and all lots and building sites laid out contiguous or adjacent to private streets shall have approved drainage facilities and the method for sewage disposal shall be approved by the Department of Health. All such private streets shall be graded and improved to an approved width and grade. The street grading and improvement shall include surface improvements, fire hydrants and water mains, catch basins, pipe culverts, sanitary sewers where reasonably available and storm drains where required. Drainage easements shall be improved to an approved manner. Major and secondary highways shall be graded to an approved width and improved to an approved width and grade necessary for the general use of lot owners adjoining said private street and local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs;
2. Where street improvements, drainage or sewers are required to be constructed in a private street, plans and profiles showing the grades and the nature and extent of the required improvements shall be filed with the City Engineer for the City Engineer’s approval, the checking of plans, inspections, supervision and other services rendered in connection with the construction of required improvements shall be accomplished under permits in accordance with the provisions of Section 62.105(b) of this Code.
3. Where improvements have been previously constructed in a private street, plans and profiles showing the grades and the nature and extent of the existing improvements shall be filed with the City Engineer for the approval and said plans shall be checked and where additional construction is required, the same shall be inspected and supervised, and all services rendered in connection with the existing or required improvements shall be accomplished under permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 62.105(b) of this Code.
4. Whenever a Private Street Map or a portion thereof includes land which is within a Local Drainage District, the provisions and requirements of the ordinance establishing such District shall be complied with. (Added by Ord. No. 142,862, Eff. 2/13/72.)
K. Conformance To General Plan. (Amended by Ord. No. 138,800, Operative 6/23/69.) Each Private Street Map shall be designed in compliance with the zoning applying to the property or approved by the City Council for change.
In addition, where a Private Street Map involves land for which a General Plan including dwelling unit densities has been adopted by the Council, and said land is also in an “H” Hillside or Mountainous Area established by Article 2 of this chapter, the number of lots or building sites on said map shall be limited so that the number of dwelling units permitted by the applicable zoning regulations shall not substantially exceed the dwelling unit densities shown on said plan. Provided, however, that the Council, upon determining that a different density would be more in accord with the public health, safety and welfare after considering the existing, proposed and ultimate traffic, sewage, drainage and other facilities in the area or any other pertinent information, and after report and recommendation from the City Planning Commission, may by resolution establish a different density than that shown on the adopted General Plan. In such instances the number of lots permitted on the Private Street Map may be based on the densities established by such resolution so long as the size of such lots is not less than that required by the applicable zoning provisions. Should the Commission fail to act upon a request for different density within 50 days of its submission such request shall be transferred to the Council for action thereon.
Each Private Street Map shall substantially conform to all other elements of the General Plan as adopted by the Commission.
At or near the entrance of each intersection of a private street with a dedicated public street or with another private street, there shall be erected and maintained by applicant a sign post to which is attached a sign having an area of at least 15 inches by 21 inches upon which is printed and clearly legible in at least 2-inch letters the name of the private street and the words “PRIVATE STREET,” in at least one-inch letters the words “NOT DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE OR MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF L.A. (LAMC 18.07).” The words, letters and figures of the sign shall be arranged in substantially the following manner:
(LAMC 18.07)”
(LAMC 18.07)”
(Amended by Ord. No. 187,712, Eff. 1/23/23, Oper. 1/22/24; Ord. No. 187,930, Eff. 7/7/23.)
See Sec. 13B.7.7. (Private Street Map) of Chapter 1A of this Code.
(Amended by Ord. No. 158,691, Eff. 3/12/84.)
A. Private street names shall be established or changed pursuant to procedures set forth in this section in the event no Private Street Map is required under Section 18.03.
B. For purposes of this section only, “private street” shall mean only ingress and/or egress easement, roadway, walkway, or other right of way open to travel by pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles, or motor vehicles which is not a public street or way whether or not the instrument creating it has been recorded or filed in the Office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County.
C. Applications to establish or change the name of a private street shall be filed with the City Engineer. They shall be signed by a majority of the owners of properties abutting the private street or that portion of the street to be named or renamed, and be accompanied by:
1. Payment of the required application processing fees;
2. A map, drawn to scale, delineating the location, extent, width, and alignment of the private street, the approximate location and frontage dimensions of said parcels on said street and the location of existing public streets which it may ingress or egress; and
3. Identity of the maker of the map and of the names and addresses of owners of record of property abutting the private street or that portion of the street to be named or renamed.
D. The Council may initiate proceedings to name or rename a private street. In such event the Council action shall be referred to the City Engineer. That office shall process said action in the manner set forth in Subdivision E. and, if necessary or appropriate under the circumstances, shall prepare a map in the manner which satisfies the requirements set forth in Subdivision 2. of Subsection C. of this section.
E. Where there is an application filed to name or rename a private street and no new Private Street Map is required pursuant to Section 18.03, or there is a Council- initiated request, a private street may be named or renamed to a requested new name and the necessary documents recorded by the City Engineer with respect thereto, pursuant to the following procedure:
1. The City Engineer shall determine whether the proposed new name or change of name of a street is in the public interest and will not create confusion, be misleading, or be unduly long or carry connotations offensive to good taste and decency;
2. The City Engineer shall give notice of the proposed new street name or name change to the record owners and occupants of all real property abutting such private street. The notice shall designate the location of the private street or portion thereof to which the proposed new name is to apply. The street, or the affected portion thereof, shall be described in the notice with reference to other streets, and by the name or names, if any, which it bears or by which it, or any portion thereof, may be or may have been known, and the notice shall also state the proposed new street name. The notice shall further set forth whether or not the City Engineer’s determination recommends disapproval of the proposed name for reasons provided in Subdivision 1. above, and shall state that any written objections with respect to the proposed new name or name change or the City Engineer’s recommendation, shall be filed with the City Engineer within 30 days after a date designated on the notice as applicable for said purpose, and that said objections shall be signed by each person so objecting.
In the event any objections are filed within the 30–day time limit, or within said time period any objections are filed with respect to a City Engineer’s recommendation of disapproval, the City Engineer shall forward these, together with the City Engineer’s determination and recommendations and the applicable file to the City Council. The Council shall set the matter for hearing and the City Clerk shall thereupon notify by mail each person objecting to the proposed street name or to the City Engineer’s recommendation of disapproval and inform that person of the time and place for hearing. At the time specified, the Council shall hear all objections and shall thereafter approve or disapprove the proposed street name. The City Council’s decision shall be final and conclusive.
In the event no objections are filed with the City Engineer within 30 days of the date prescribed on the notice and the City Engineer has not recommended disapproval of the proposed new name, the application for that name shall be deemed approved. In the event the City Engineer has recommended disapproval of the proposed name, and no objections to that recommendation have been filed, the application shall be deemed denied.
If the new name is either approved by the Council, or in the event no Council hearing was required, and the application is deemed approved, the new private street name shall be effective and, the City Engineer shall cause any necessary indexing and/or recordation of documents to be accomplished and shall provide a copy of the determination to all City Departments rendering emergency service to the affected properties and to the United States Postal Service.
F. The approval or deemed approval of a private street name as provided for in this Chapter is not, and shall not be construed to be, an acceptance of a private street as a public street, nor shall it create any public warranty or liability or legal status as a public street or be so construed with respect thereto.
G. 1. Application processing fees shall be non-refundable.
2. The application processing fee shall be $4,326. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)