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Sec. 22.811. Certification of Neighborhood Councils.
   (a)   By Laws. Each neighborhood council seeking official certification from the City shall submit an organization plan and by-laws to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment showing, at a minimum:
   (1)   the method by which their officers are chosen;
   (2)   that neighborhood council membership will be open to everyone who qualifies as a stakeholder as defined in Section 22.801.1;
   (3)   assurances that the members of the neighborhood council will reflect the diverse interests within their area;
   (4)   a system through which the neighborhood council will communicate with stakeholders on a regular basis;
   (5)   a system for financial accountability of its funds; and
   (6)   guarantees that all meetings will be open and public, and permit, to the extent feasible, stakeholders to participate in the conduct of business, deliberation and decision-making.
   (b)   Petitioning for Certification and Approval. Neighborhood councils may petition for certification in accordance with rules and procedures set forth in the Plan.
Added by Ord. No. 172,728, Eff. 8-30-99.
Amended by: Subsec. (a)(2), Ord. No. 179,680, Eff. 4-15-08; Subsec. (a)(2), Ord. No. 182,830, Eff. 1-26-14; Subsec. (a)(2), Ord. No. 186,761, Eff. 10-16-20.