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Sec. 22.805. Board of Neighborhood Commissioners.
   (a)   The Board of Neighborhood Commissioners shall consist of seven board members and be referred to in this chapter as the “Board” or the “Commission”.
   (b)   The Board shall be comprised of seven members all of whom shall represent the City in its entirety. The members shall reflect the diverse geographic areas of the City, whereby the appointed Board members shall each be a resident or worker within one of the seven Area Planning Commission regions, and reflect the diversity of communities of interest, neighborhoods, ethnicity, race, gender, age, homeowner and renter status, and sexual orientation. The Mayor is encouraged to consider current and former members of neighborhood councils in appointing the Board members.
   (c)   The Board members shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council and may be removed by the Mayor and vacancies filled in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter.
Added by Ord. No. 172,728, Eff. 8-30-99.
Amended by: Subsec. (b), Ord. No. 180,593, Eff. 4-25-09.