(a) There is hereby created a department in City government to be known as the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument Authority Department, hereinafter referred to in this chapter as the “Department,” which shall operate, manage, maintain and control all of the property, including adjacent and nearby parking lots, included within the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument and heretofore operated by the Department of Recreation and Parks, except public streets, sewers in the public streets, Water and Power facilities, street lights, and similar facilities or equipment which are operated, managed, maintained and controlled by City departments other than the Department of Recreation and Parks.
(b) The Department shall operate, manage, maintain and control the above described property in a manner that will enhance the theme of each of the unique areas located within the Monument boundaries consistent with Section 4.5 of Chapter 1358 of the Statutes of 1987, the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, and the history of each area. For example, the Italian Hall shall be restored and operated in a manner consistent with its theme, a Chinese history museum shall be established in the Monument, and Olvera Street shall be operated, managed, maintained and controlled in a manner that will preserve and positively reflect the early Mexican history of the City, revitalize the Mexican marketplace atmosphere now in existence, and preserve and enhance the historic buildings on the street.
(c) For purposes of this chapter, the phrase “operate, manage, maintain and control” shall have the same meaning as the commonly understood meaning of each of those terms and shall include the power and duty to plan, design, develop, construct, rehabilitate, reconstruct, restore, repair, improve, and otherwise administer any and all parts or areas of the Monument.
(d) The Department shall be the successor in interest as to all rights, liabilities, benefits, privileges, and immunities of the Department of Recreation and Parks created by or arising from any and all contracts and agreements relating to the operation, management, maintenance and control of the Monument and in effect as of the operative date of the transfer of powers, duties and functions under this chapter.
Added by Ord. No. 167,902, Eff. 6-13-92.