(a) The Department is established to function as and to provide a single City government focal point for the proper planning, coordination, direction, management and operation of the City’s various ground transportation and ground transportation related activities.
The Transportation Department shall, on behalf of the City:
(1) Consolidate and carry out programs previously assigned to various City departments or bureaus which have been transferred to or consolidated in the Department; centralize authority over the planning of transportation, traffic regulation and related uses of the City’s system of streets and highways; serve as the Department primarily responsible for the development and coordination of plans to meet varied ground transportation needs; provide a primary interface with other governmental agencies on transportation matters consistent with prior approved City Council policies and procedures; study traffic and related matters including the effect of laws and regulations relating to traffic; and secure information upon such subjects and provide information to the various departments and offices of the City concerning traffic accidents, congestion, lighting, and other conditions affecting the safe and convenient use of streets and other public ways for travel;
(2) Except as otherwise provided in the Charter, have authority over the location, installation and maintenance of all signs, signals, parking meters, and other traffic control devices; provided, however, that the authority conferred by this section shall not be construed to abridge the power of the Council to order any work or improvement that may affect or involve any of the aforesaid matters.
(3) Be responsible for the planning, acquisition, management and operation of City-owned off-street parking facilities, except for those facilities of departments having control of their own funds, and any facilities excepted as the Council by ordinance may direct;
(4) Regulate and administer railroad franchises granted by the City under Sections 13.7(1), (2) and (3) of this Code;
(5) Direct traffic at intersections and elsewhere and enforce parking restrictions through assignment of Traffic Officers, and persons appointed or authorized pursuant to authority of Vehicle Code Section 21100 and by assignment of school crossing guards. Remove abandoned vehicles from public highways provided that any vehicles investigated in connection therewith found to have been involved in or to be the subject of a crime shall be the responsibility of the Police Department.
Duties performed by the Department of Transportation pursuant to this Subdivision (5) shall not operate to deprive Police Officers of the power or duty to act whenever necessary or appropriate within their authority.
Added by Ord. No. 151,832, Eff. 2-10-79, Oper. 2-25-79.
Amended by: Subsec. (a)(4), Ord. No. 159,436, Eff. 11-18-84; Subsec. (a)(4), Ord. No. 170,600, Eff. 8-11-95; Subsec. (a)(4), Ord. No. 185,204, Eff. 11-22-17.
(a) The City Council, from time to time may, upon recommendation from the appropriate Council Committee or the Mayor, or upon its own initiative, establish policies governing the activities of the Transportation Department.
(b) The Department shall be under the administration, supervision, and management of a General Manager who shall be the General Manager and Chief Administrative Officer of the Department.
(c) The General Manager shall be appointed and may be removed in accordance with Charter Section 508(b) and (e).
(d) There shall be a Transportation Commission and a Taxicab Commission to serve in advisory capacities except as otherwise provided herein.
Added by Ord. No. 151,832, Eff. 2-10-79. Oper. 2-25-79.
Amended by: Subsec. (e), Ord. No. 172,021, Eff. 6-26-98; Ord. No. 173,290, Eff. 6-30-00, Oper. 7-1-00.
The General Manager shall:
(a) Exercise the powers and duties of General Manager as described in Section 21.1 of this Code, and be responsible, upon the provision of resources for the proper administration of departmental activities, including:
(1) The location, installation and maintenance, operation and removal of all signs, signals, parking meters, pavement markings and other traffic control devices;
(2) Enforcement of parking regulations and removal of abandoned vehicles from public streets subject to provisions of Section 22.481(a)(5);
(3) Directing of traffic at intersections and other places;
(4) Assignment and duties of school crossing guards;
(5) Activities related to the acquisition, development and operation of off-street parking facilities;
(6) Administration of railroad franchises granted by the City under Sections 13.7(1), (2) and (3) of the this Code;
(7) Activities related to the regulation of privately-owned public utilities in the City of Los Angeles, subject to Transportation or Taxicab Commission action where required in this chapter;
(8) Planning of ground transportation and traffic;
(9) The overview, control and operation of intra-community transit activities and grant- funded ground transportation projects;
(10) Reviewing and furnishing the Mayor and the City Council, through its Transportation Committee, analyses and reports on all requests for grants from any agency or authority for ground transportation related projects.
(11) Determining and approving the rates, maximum legal parking time, and the hours of operation of an off-street parking facility under the control of the Department when the City Council has approved and funded the use of the parking facility for a Safe Parking program, or for any other homeless program or project.
(b) Assist the City Planning Director in the preparation and updating of the circulation, transportation and transit elements or components of the General Plan of the City of Los Angeles for submission as required by law, and provide analyses, reports, comments and recommendations to the City Council on similar subject plans submitted by contiguous jurisdictions for review.
(c) Recommend to the Council and Mayor, for their approval, transportation development plans, programs and improvement projects to implement the purpose of the Department as set forth in this chapter.
(d) Prepare plans for utilization of funds available for transportation activities for consideration by the Council and the Mayor.
(e) Recommend to the Mayor and Council such further organizational changes in the structure of the City government which would eliminate duplication of functions and services relating to transportation.
Added by Ord. No. 151,832, Eff. 2-10-79, Oper. 2-25-79.
Amended by: 1st para., Subsec. (a), Ord. No. 152,427, Eff. 6-29-79; Subsec. (a)(6), Ord. No. 159,436, Eff. 11-18-84; Ord. No. 164,741, Eff. 5-27-89, Oper. 7-1-89; Subsec. (a)(6), Ord. No. 170,600, Eff. 8-11-95; Subsec. (a)(7), Ord. No. 172,021, Eff. 6-26-98; Subsec. (a)(6), Ord. No. 185,204, Eff. 11-22-17; Subsec. (a)(11) added, Ord. No. 187,116, Eff. 8-7-21.