Every franchise, permit or privilege hereinafter enumerated in this article shall be granted by this chapter in accordance with the method of procedure prescribed by this chapter. The franchises, permits or privileges contemplated by this chapter shall include the following:
(1) Every franchise, permit or privilege to construct, maintain or operate a street railroad along, upon, over, in, under or across any street, lane, alley, court, highway, road or other public place.
(2) Every franchise, permit or privilege to construct, maintain or operate an interurban railroad along, upon, over, in, under or across any street, lane, alley, court, highway, road or other place, and whether the same is to be operated on the surface, in subways or upon an elevated structure.
(3) Every franchise, permit or privilege to construct, operate or maintain an underground street railroad through subways, and for the construction, operation and maintenance of elevated street railways along, across, under in or over any street, highway, lane, court, alley or any other place; every franchise, permit or privilege to construct, maintain or operate pipes, tubes, tunnels, or conduits along, upon, over, in, under or across any lane, street, alley, court, highway, road or other public place in said street for the purpose of transmitting water, gas, steam, heat, oil, air, substances for refrigerating; containers with merchandise through compressed air tubes, or other substance or utility.
(4) Every franchise, permit or privilege to erect, construct, lay, maintain and operate poles, pipes, conduits, wires or cable upon, over, under, in, across or along any street, lane, court, highway, road or other place in said City for the purpose of transmitting power, heat, electricity or electric energy, or for communication by telephone, telegraph or signal system.
(5) Every franchise, permit or privilege for the construction and operation of any other plants necessary or convenient for furnishing the City and its inhabitants with transportation, communication, terminal facilities, water, light, heat, power, refrigeration, storage or any other public service.
(6) Every franchise, permit or privilege for the construction and operation of “Information Technology Systems” as defined in Section 22.641 of this Code.
Based on Ord. No. 58,200.
Amended by: Ord. No. 176,006, Eff. 7-12-04; Subsec. (6), Ord. No. 180,528, Eff. 3-22-09.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as applying to the granting of franchises, permits and privileges by the Board of Harbor Commissioners or by the Board of Airport Commissioners.
Based on Ord. No. 58,200.
Amended by: Title and Sec., Ord. No. 173,034, Eff. 2-24-00, Oper. 7-1-00.