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Sec. 504. Secretary and Chief Accounting Employee.
   (a)   Secretary to the Board. The head of each department shall appoint an employee of the department other than a member of the board, to serve as secretary to the board. The secretary shall perform those duties imposed upon him or her by the Charter, ordinance or order of the board.
   (b)   Chief Accounting Employee. The head of each department shall appoint an employee of the department, other than a member of the board or the chief administrative officer, to serve as chief accounting employee. The chief accounting employee shall perform those duties imposed upon him or her by the Charter, by ordinance, or by the board.
   (c)   Appointment Subject to Civil Service. Appointments made under this section are subject to the civil service provisions of the Charter. The Council may provide by ordinance for combining the positions of secretary and chief accounting employee with other positions in the civil service.