750.01 Purpose and objectives.
750.02 Construction, separability and applicability of chapter.
750.03 Definitions.
750.04 Computerized sweepstakes device license required.
750.05 Sweepstakes terminal café license required.
750.06 Computerized sweepstakes device supplier license required.
750.07 Authority of Safety Director.
750.08 Nature of licenses.
750.09 Procedure for obtaining licenses.
750.10 Denial of sweepstakes terminal café license.
750.11 Conditions and regulations.
750.12 Prohibited conduct and conditions in sweepstakes terminal cafes.
750.13 License expiration, suspension or revocation.
750.14 License fees.
750.15 Equal opportunity.
750.99 Penalty.
Gambling - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 517
It is the purpose of this chapter and the policy of the City to establish standards for licensing, regulation and control of computerized sweepstakes devices and sweepstakes terminal cafes and premises upon which they are located and operated for purpose of entertainment of the public. The objectives of this chapter are to prevent safety and fire hazards, disturbances, disruption of pedestrian traffic, disorderly assemblies, theft of personal property, gambling and truancy within the City. (Ord. 4-11. Passed 1-3-11.)
(a) Construction. This chapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its purpose and objectives.
(b) Separability. If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and neither the remainder of this chapter nor the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall be affected thereby. (Ord. 4-11. Passed 1-3-11.)
As used in this chapter:
(a) "Computerized sweepstakes device, means any computer, machine, game or apparatus including individual computer terminal screens which may be operated by the public generally for participation in a sweepstakes and which does not in any way, manner or form encourage or constitute gambling. Such devices shall not have a random number generator. No electronic or computerized sweepstakes device, game play and outcome shall be operated or determined by a random number generator (RNG) or compensating algorithm; the game play and outcome must be from a finite pre-determined pool, with the odds of winning stated in the sweepstakes “Official Game Rules”.
(b) “Safety Director” means the Director of Public Safety for the City of Lorain, Ohio.
(c) "Board, means the City of Lorain Zoning Board of Appeals.
(d) "Operator" means the person or persons having authority to control the premises of a Sweepstakes Terminal Cafe.
(e) "Licensee" means the person or persons who sign an application for a license hereunder and to whom such license is issued.
(f) "Owner" means any person who possesses any interest, either directly or indirectly, in a Sweepstakes Terminal Cafe.
(g) "Person" means any natural person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or any other form of business organization.
(h) "Premises” means the building or any portion thereof used for conducting the operation of a Sweepstakes Terminal Cafe.
(i) "Supply” means to make available for use.
(j) "Sweepstakes” means any game, advertising program or plan, or other promotion, which without payment of any consideration, a person may enter to win or become eligible to receive any prize, the determination of which is based upon chance.
(k) "Sweepstakes Terminal Cafe” means any premises upon which any computerized sweepstake device is located for the use or entertainment of the public, whether or not such premises has any other business purpose.
(l) "City” means the City of Lorain, Ohio.
(Ord. 4-11. Passed 1-3-11.)