If user has multiple outlets, and an analysis is presented for each, based upon individual sampling and flows, the results can be combined into one analysis and the average strength of the wastes and flows shall be used in establishing the sewage surcharge. Where flow measurements are determined by the Director to be impractical, outlet concentrations shall be arithmetically averaged. (Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
For the purposes of calculating the surcharge, flow shall be based on the total effluent flow from an industrial user. Total effluent flow will be estimated using water meter readings unless the flow rate of a particular effluent has been measured. No allowance will be given for cooling water or multiple outlets. The additional cost to collect flow monitoring data is the responsibility of the industrial user. (Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
In the event that a user fails to make available a sampling location to City personnel, as required in Section 915.308, then such user shall be charged according to comparable charges, based on chemical analyses of a similar process, or on figures on that type of industry that are available from statistics of the United State Department of Interior, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, or other recognized sources acceptable to the City of Lorain, Water Pollution Control Board. This method of applying the surcharge shall continue in effect until such time as an analysis of the wastes is submitted by the facility and confirmed by the City.
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
(a) The surcharge shall be based on four constituents of the water or wastes applicable:
(1) Total Suspended Solids
(2) BOD
(3) COD
(4) Phosphorus
(b) Whenever the wastes are ruled acceptable to wastewater treatment and the wastewater contains suspended solids, BOD, and/or COD, or phosphorus in excess of "normal sewage", the excess shall be subjected to surcharge derived in accordance with the following formulae:
(1) SCS = (TSS-280) x F X 8.34 x CS
SCS = Surcharge due to total suspended solids.
TSS = Total suspended solids in wastes as discharged in mg/1
280 = Suspended solids concentration in "normal sewage" in mg/1
F = Flow in millions of gallons per day of wastes as discharged.
CS = Cost to treat one pound of suspended solids in cents per day per pound.
(2) SCB = (BOD-240) x F x 8.34 x CB
SCB = Surcharge due to excess BOD
BOD = Total BOD in wastes as discharged in mg/1.
240 = BOD concentration in "normal sewage" in mg/1.
CB = Cost to treat one pound of BOD in cents per pound per day.
SCC = (COD-500) x F x 8.34 x CC
SCC = Surcharge due to excess COD
COD = Total COD in wastes as discharged in mg/1.
500 = COD concentration in "normal sewage" in mg/1.
CC = Cost to treat one pound of COD in cents per pound per day.
(3) SCP = (P-8) X 8.34 X F X CP
SCP = Surcharge due to excess phosphorus.
P = Total phosphorus in wastes as discharged in mg/1.
8 = Total phosphorus concentration in "normal sewage" in mg/1.
F = Flow in millions of gallons per day.
CP = Cost to treat one pound of phosphorus in cents per pound per day.
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
Whenever a waste cannot be analyzed by a BOD test, the COD result shall prevail in calculating the surcharge, Whenever both testing methods are possible, the Director shall determine which analysis shall apply in computing the surcharge based on which will provide the higher surcharge. (Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
The Water Pollution Control Board established in Section 913.900 of the Division of Water Pollution Control Rules and Regulations shall, on or before February 1st of each year, review both the strength surcharge and industrial waste surveillance charge for the Water Pollution Control Department the previous year. Increases or decreases in the cost of treating and disposing of excess amounts of BOD, suspended solids, COD and phosphorus shall be reflected on a proportionate basis in the actual cost of gathering samples, testing and reporting the results of analysis done on industrial sewage shall be reflected on a proportionate basis in the industrial waste surveillance charge. (Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
When necessary, by contract or ordinance, to establish additional rates to be charged for specific types of wastes not covered in the surcharge computation, the Director shall determine a method by which to establish such a rate.
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
Discharges of petroleum oil, nondegradeable cutting oil or products of mineral-oil origin are now prohibited if discharged in amounts that cause pass through or cause interference. At no time shall any water or waste be discharged containing fats, was or grease (whether emulsified or not), in excess of eighty (80) mg/l ether soluble or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit (32oF) or zero degrees Centigrade (0oC) and 140 degrees Fahrenheit (140oF) or sixty degrees Centigrade (60oC).
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
Where installed, all grease traps shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times:
(a) Grease traps must be skimmed of grease at least once per week and maintain a log with time, date, and who did the skimming.
(b) Skimming the grease can be accomplished with a tool specifically made to remove solidified grease, or you can contact the City of Lorain's Health Department for recommendations.
(c) At no time shall any vendor add enzymes or any biological or chemical additives to meet these requirements. (Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)