Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Rules and Regulations
915.001   Method of using references.
915.002   Introduction, findings, and declaration of policy.
915.003   Applicability.
915.004   Purpose and policy.
915.005   Conflicts.
915.010   Definitions.
915.100   General discharge prohibitions.
915.101   Categorical pretreatment standards.
915.102   Dilution.
915.103   Supplementary limitations.
915.104   Oil and grease prohibition.
915.105   Prohibition of acid and plating wastes.
915.106   Mass limitations.
915.107   Pretreatment of waste.
915.200   Purpose.
915.201   Sample collection.
915.202   Sample analysis.
915.203   Other charges and fees.
915.204   Reserved for future legislation.
915.300   Accidental discharges.
915.301   Wastewater discharge permits.
915.302   Baseline report.
915.303   Standards modification.
915.304   Compliance date report.
915.305   Periodic compliance reports.
915.306   Monitoring and sampling analysis.
915.307   Signatory requirements.
915.308   Inspections and sampling.
915.309   Construction of sampling manhole and equipment.
915.310   Confidential information.
915.311   Bypass.
915.312   Notification of change in discharge characteristics.
915.313   Precast sampling and metering manhole detail.
915.314   Notice of violation/repeat sampling and reporting.
915.400   Emergency suspension of service and discharge permits.
915.401   Revocation of permit and/or termination of treatment services.
915.402   Notification of violation.
915.403   Show cause hearing.
915.404   Judicial proceedings.
915.405   Enforcement actions; annual publication.
915.406   Users request for a hearing before the Water Pollution Control Board.
915.407   Right to appeal.
915.408   Operating upsets or other conditions resulting in noncompliance.
915.500   Administrative fees.
915.501   Recovery of costs incurred by City.
915.502   Falsifying information.
915.503   Civil penalties.
915.504   Criminal penalties.
915.505   Payment of fees, costs or penalties.
915.506   Remedies nonexclusive.
915.600   Right of revision.
915.601   Records retention.
915.602   Removal credits.
915.603   Net/gross calculations.
915.604   Reserved for future legislation.
915.605   Inconsistency.
915.700   Wastes subject to surcharge computation.
915.701   Establishing sewer surcharge.
915.702   Average multiple outlets.
915.703   Determination of flow rate.
915.704   Charges applied when analyses are absent.
915.705   Surcharge formula.
915.706   Use of BOD and COD analyses.
915.707   Annual review of strength surcharge and industrial waste surveillance charges.
915.708   Power to determine surcharge for special wastes.
915.800   Oil and grease prohibition.
915.801   Maintenance.
915.802   Inspection and sampling.
915.803   Manifest and record retention.
915.804   Falsifying information.
915.805   Administrative fees.
915.806   Recovery of costs incurred by City.
915.807   Payments of fees, costs, or penalties.
Environmental Protection Agency; regulations - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3745
Water pollution control - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 6111
Municipal authority - see Ohio R.C. 6111.032
Sewer rules and regulations - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 913
   The adoption of rules and regulations is not for the purpose of imposing unnecessary or burdensome regulations upon the use of the sewerage system or wastewater treatment plants of the City of Lorain, Ohio by industrial users, but only to provide for the orderly conduct of the business of the City Utilities Department, in order to prevent the pollution of our natural waterways and the protection of our publicly owned treatment words and our environment.
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
   In order to establish a format which shall enable persons to read and interpret this chapter easily, references have been inserted. References shall be made both to specific Sections and to whole groups of titled Sections which shall be called Sub-Chapters.
   Whenever a reference is made to a specific Sub-Chapter, for example 915.300, the whole group of Sections within the titled Sub-Chapter shall be considered and any pertinent Sections shall apply.
   Whenever a reference is made to a specific Section, for example 915.308, only that Section referred to is pertinent. (Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
   The City Division of Water Pollution Control, hereby finds that the requirements for the issuance of federal grants and the acceptance of such grants by the Division of Water Pollution Control, under Title II of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, as amended (Public Law 92-500, as amended) and the regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, for the construction of waste treatment works to improve the quality of effluent discharges from the City Publicly Owned Treatment Works ("POTW") establish the necessity for direct and indirect contributors into the wastewater POTW to develop an industrial pretreatment program, pursuant to 40 CFR, Part 403, and MCD 43.
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
    915.003 APPLICABILITY.
   The pretreatment regulations are applicable to all industrial users discharging to the POTW whether the industry is classified as a categorical, or a noncategorical industrial user.
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
   (a)   These regulations set forth uniform requirements for discharges into the POTW, and enables the City to protect public health in conformity with all applicable, local, State and Federal laws relating thereto.
   (b)    The object of these regulations are:
      (1)    To satisfy the State and Federal requirements that the Sewer District develop and implement an industrial waste control program in compliance with the Clean Water Act of 1977 and General Pretreatment Regulations for New and Existing Sources 40 CFR, Part 403;
      (2)    To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the POTW which will interfere with the normal operation of the POTW or contaminate the resulting municipal sludge;
      (3)    To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the POTW which do not receive adequate treatment in the POTW, and which will pass through the POTW into receiving waters or the atmosphere or otherwise be incompatible with the system;
      (4)   To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewater and sludge from the POTW;
      (5)    To enforce the City pretreatment program as described in the final pretreatment program submitted to Ohio EPA as amended;
      (6)   To protect both POTW personnel who may be affected by wastewater and sludge in the course of their employment and the general public;
      (7)   To enable the City to comply with its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit conditions, sludge use and disposal requirements, and any other Federal or State laws to which the POTW is subjected.
   (c) The Water Pollution Control Board may amend these regulations as necessary to comply with all applicable local, State and Federal laws.
(Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)
915.005 CONFLICTS.
   These regulations provide for the regulation of discharges into the POTW and shall be effective to the extent not in conflict with the Codified Ordinance of the City of Lorain. When the regulation of this Code conflicts with other administrative regulations, the more stringent of the regulations shall be controlling. (Ord. 30-14. Passed 3-3-14.)