   (A)   The city is responsible for permanent care of the cemetery, which includes mowing, tree trimming, grass trimming and leaf removal.
   (B)   The general preservation of the lots, grounds, walks, roadways, boundaries and structures shall remain and be reasonably cared for as cemetery grounds forever.
   (C)   The general care assumed by the city shall in no case mean the maintenance, repair or replacement of any memorial placed or erected upon lots, including but not withstanding: any special or unusual work caused by impoverishment of the soil, the reconstruction of any marble, granite, bronze, or concrete work on any section or plot, or any portion(s) thereof, on the cemetery caused by the elements, an act of God, common enemy, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, invasions, insurrections, riots, or by any military or authority, whether the damage be direct or collateral.
(Ord. 94, passed 11-20-14)
§ 97.19 HOURS.
   The cemetery will be open to visitors from sunrise to 10:00 p.m.
(Ord. 94, passed 11-20-14) Penalty, see § 97.99
   Special cases may arise in which the enforcement of a rule may impose unnecessary hardship. The city hereby reserves the right to make exceptions, suspensions or modifications of any rule or regulation. No temporary exception, suspension or modification shall in any way be construed as a permanent change to the established rules and regulations.
(Ord. 94, passed 11-20-14)
§ 97.99 PENALTY.
   Any person violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fines as set by the court.
(Ord. 94, passed 11-20-14)