Fiscal Officer
133.01   Established.
133.02   Deputy Clerk.
133.03   Annual inventory.
133.04   Fees for zoning and other permits.
133.05   Prompt payment of certain bills authorized.
133.06   Building Standards fee assessments.
133.07   Photocopying fee. (Repealed)
133.08   Public records required to be kept and remain at the Village offices.
133.09   Destruction of Village records.
133.10   Competitive bidding on contracts.
133.11      Bad check fee.
Uniform Bond Law - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 133
Uniform Depository Act - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 135
Auditing accounts - see Ohio R. C. 733.12 et seq.
Election and term - see Ohio R. C. 733.26
Merger of offices of Clerk and Treasurer - see Ohio R. C. 733.261
Powers and duties - see Ohio R. C. 733.27