State Building Code
   150.01   Adoption of State Building Code
Building Permits; Fees
   150.15   Building permit fees
   150.16   Issuance of building permits
   150.17   Fines to be issued in regard to building permits
   150.18   When building permits are required
Vacant Buildings
   150.30   Definitions
   150.31   Compliance by all vacant structures
   150.32   Applicability
   150.33   Inspection
   150.34   Corrective action
   150.35   Registration generally
   150.36   Right of appeal
   150.37   Amending information
   150.38   Re-inspection
   150.39   Non-payment of fees/liens
   150.40   Relation to other ordinances and laws
Unsafe Buildings
   150.55   Definitions
   150.56   Administration
   150.57   Abatement of unsafe buildings
   150.58   Uninhabitable buildings
   150.59   Unsafe buildings
   150.60   Standards for repair, vacation or demolition
   150.61   Building Inspector and agent
   150.62   Right of entry
   150.63   Report of any proceedings and recommendations to City Council
   150.64   Assessment and lien on property affected
   150.65   Service of notices, complaints and orders
   150.66   Hearings and appeals
   150.67   Applicability of state law
   150.99   Penalty